Scottish National Golf Tourism Monitor
© Sports Marketing Surveys Ltd 2 »The programme agreed with VisitScotland & the Partner Agencies for the Scottish National Golf Tourism Monitor includes the following areas: >Visitor Rounds Played >Consumer Visitor Interviews >Golf Pass Programmes >Golf Tour Operators >Accommodation Suppliers >Benchmark Facility Surveys Scottish National Golf Tourism Monitor
© Sports Marketing Surveys Ltd 3 »Objectives for the National Golf Tourism Monitor: >To determine the volume of visitor rounds and the number of visiting golfers at golf courses across Scotland and to establish a seasonal pattern of golf tourism >To annually estimate the volume of golf visitors to Scotland, including domestic and international golf visitors >To establish season to date information and trends year on year in the golf tourism market for Scotland. »The National Golf Tourism Monitor collection of visitor rounds played numbers will be enhanced with: >Additional data on origin of each visitor or guest >Green fee revenue data. »Supply of data: >A simple & fast web-enabled submission system. >A venue data reporting system to benefit each panel member >Collection of information twelve times a year – monthly submission of data >Comparative data including the origin of visitors and green fee revenue. Rounds Played
© Sports Marketing Surveys Ltd 4 »Analysis: >Early Season – April & May >Main Season – June, July & August >Late Season – September & October. »Sample size: >80 venues selected on the basis of region & type of venue >Tourism appeal and performance from existing monitor. »Online submission: > Participating clubs will be able to view their monthly performance in real time: >Compared to the national average >Compared to venues in their region >Compared to similar types of venues. »Is the online solution workable? >83% of Links/Coastal courses, 100% Strong inland courses and 90% Small/Remote courses have Internet access >A postal/fax system can be used for the minority of clubs that are not able to enter data on-line. Rounds Played
© Sports Marketing Surveys Ltd 5 Objectives »To understand more fully the characteristics of visiting golfers in Scotland: >Profile information >Booking patterns - including when booked & volume of pre-booking >Awareness of marketing & booking channels >Length of stay >Accommodation & transport used >Expenditure levels. »Responses will also be analysed by: >Categories of visiting golfers >The pre-booked overnight/day visitor >Casual overnight/day visitor. Visitor Interviews
© Sports Marketing Surveys Ltd 6 »Timings: >Interviews will be conducted between April and October to encompass the main golf tourism season. >Golf clubs will be contacted to confirm researcher attendance & to be representative of their visitor bookings. »Frequency of programme & analysis: >Early season (April/May): consumer interviews from major venues >Main season (June/July/August): from the full range of panel members >Late season (September/October): from major venues. »National analysis on basis of three seasonal periods. »Regional analysis of six VisitScotland core areas planned on annual basis. »UK consumer golf interview programme and golf holiday programme have been successfully operating for 20 years. Visitor Interviews
© Sports Marketing Surveys Ltd 7 »Objectives: >Collection of sales information on the main golf course passes across Scotland >Details on origin of golf pass consumers. >Details on when consumers purchased / booked their golf pass. »Programme: >The programme will focus on the main Scottish golf passes including »Timing: >The programme will fit around the Rounds Played Monitor and the Visitor Interviews schedule: >Early season – April and May golf passes issued >Main season – June, July and August golf passes issued >Late season – September and October golf passes issued. »Data collected will include: >Types of passes sold – 3 day/5 day or course specific >Volume of passes sold >Value of passes sold >When was the pass booked & levels of pre-booking >General information on the profile of the golf pass purchaser >Origin of golfer. Golf Pass Programmes
© Sports Marketing Surveys Ltd 8 Golf Tour Operators »Objectives: >To collate business figures from relevant tour operators >Information to be collected will include: >Number of golfers and rounds played in Scotland by their clients >Origin of visitors >Booking periods - when booked & level of pre-bookings >Number of bed nights >Destination location in Scotland.
© Sports Marketing Surveys Ltd 9 »Programme: >In-depth interviews with a selection of operators on an annual basis both in-bound (Scotland based) and International - Europe & US. >Information collected would include: >Response to VisitScotland marketing initiatives >Feedback on co-operation from golf venues for golf visitor breaks >Types of people who come to Scotland for golf >Main types of golf breaks managed – long weekend, week-holidays, golf-&-activity breaks, single- venue or multi-venue breaks >Main locations from where golf tourists originate >Core elements of package – are green fees, accommodation, transport all included? >Levels of pre-booked volumes and when booked by market >Price levels >Options to enhance the quality of the break >Areas for improvement and where help would be beneficial >Where else visitors go (e.g. distilleries) >Ryder Cup 2014 requests for information and awareness. Golf Tour Operators
© Sports Marketing Surveys Ltd 10 »Objectives: >Historical visitor booking patterns & levels of pre-bookings >Season to date performance >Anticipated business expected for the rest of season/following season >Profile of visitors »Achieved through: >A two stage focused research programme amongst accommodation providers in the six VisitScotland regions. Accommodation Suppliers
© Sports Marketing Surveys Ltd 11 »Part 1: Benchmark and Forecast Survey: >Evaluation of past and forecast performance including: >Amount of bed nights related to golf tourism >Average size of golf parties >Average length of stay >How the booking was made >Type of booking (all-inclusive/half board) >Origin of visitors >Estimated revenue from golf tourism >Forecast of golf tourism business for the 2006 season. »Part 2: Annual Performance Summary - Actual: >End of season evaluation amongst the panel members to record the actual 2006 season performance for the main topic areas outlined above. Accommodation Suppliers
© Sports Marketing Surveys Ltd 12 »To help establish an understanding of the clubs position on: >Green fee rates from the 2005 & 2006 seasons >Visitors and visitor welcome and restrictions >Collection of visitor information & details currently >Estimates/records on where these visitors have primarily come from: members guests, golfers from Scotland, golfers from the rest-of-the UK, golfers from overseas >Any promotions or initiatives to attract Visitors or additional green-fees >Restrictions on visitor access to the course - particular times of years when supply is not available >Participation in golf passport schemes >Any commercial joint ventures with accommodation suppliers, local businesses, transport providers or golf tour operators »For further information please contact Marc Davies t: +44 (0) f: +44 (0) e: Benchmark Facility Survey