WorkPoint Casts Wider Marketing Web, Nets Results WorkPoint wants to be at the forefront of the development of business-critical standard solutions atop SharePoint Online within Office 365. WorkPoint has a strong cloud- first focus. With out-of-the-box solutions, small, medium-sized, and large businesses can easily expand the benefits they receive from Office 365. To learn more about WorkPoint, visit “Choosing Microsoft and the Go-To-Market Services team and taking advantage of their multiple partner solutions simplified our execution.” – Peter Jørgensen, CEO, WorkPoint WorkPoint is a Microsoft Gold Partner specializing in managing the soft data of a company, ranging from document, task, and messaging/email management, to policy-making and storage/archiving interfaces (CRM/SharePoint solutions). In an effort to increase awareness of its webinars and solutions, WorkPoint partnered with Microsoft and its Go-To-Market Services team. WorkPoint reached an audience of almost 600,000 Twitter followers with an App of the Day tweet on @Office365 promoting its webinar, resulting in three times as many participants as its next three webinars combined. WorkPoint also published a press release that was promoted on @MSPartnerApps and the Microsoft Partner Apps Blog. WorkPoint successfully amplified exposure about its Microsoft Office 365 solutions by highlighting the benefits of its products in a mini-case study and datasheet (promoted on the Microsoft Partner Apps Blog). All of these efforts were facilitated by the Go-To-Market Services team. Microsoft Go-To-Market Services gives app builders exclusive resources to help boost app exposure, improve app performance, and build better cloud businesses. See how you can benefit at: Working With