Lesson Two: Using Message Center , Schedule and the Ambulatory Organizer At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: Understand how Message Center is used for Ambulatory Staff Understand how the Schedule Tab and Ambulatory Organizer is used within PowerChart
Home View The PowerChart Organizer serves as the desktop or ‘Home Space’ for PowerChart users. The PowerChart Organizer opens to your Home View. From here, you can access Patient Lists, Task Lists, the Schedule and a patient’s chart. From the Home view, staff members are able to view their workload for the day using the Ambulatory Organizer or a Patient List.
Message Center Message Center enables you to receive messages and requests online in PowerChart® regarding patients. For example, when outpatient clinical staff enters orders, it routes to the physician’s inbox for electronic signature
To access Message Center, click the Message Center Toolbar icon. All messages and notifications that require your attention, review or signature are routed to your Inbox and are organized in folders. Your Inbox can be accessed from any computer on your network that has access to PowerChart. You can customize the items you want displayed in the Message Center by filtering by dates, types of results, etc.
Proxies: Inboxes for which you have proxy rights The Inbox Summary provides you with a quick view of all of the items in your Inbox. A number in parentheses listed next to the type of documents indicates the number of unread messages. You can view messages from the sources below by clicking the appropriate tab at the top of the Inbox Summary: Inbox: Your own Inbox Proxies: Inboxes for which you have proxy rights Pools: Pool Inboxes (i.e. Chesapeake Pediatrics)
Some sections of the Inbox Summary will be used by physicians only, and will not populate for Ambulatory Staff.
Message Center Toolbar There is a toolbar on the Messages tab that allows you to perform actions on a selected message.
Message Center Actions There are several actions that you can perform in Message Center, depending on your role and the type of document selected. Some actions are initiated by right-clicking on messages, while others are initiated by selecting the appropriate action from the toolbar.
How to Open a Document There are three ways to open a document: Double click directly on the subject line. Clicking once to highlight and right click to open. Select the subject line highlighted and clicking the open icon.
The document will open and display in the Message Viewing Window The document will open and display in the Message Viewing Window. The information displayed on the right pane of Message Center will change when an item is selected from the Inbox section. From the Message Viewing window, you can access consults, messages (responses and messages copied to yourself), and notes by double clicking.
For Additional Information For additional information regarding actions that you can perform in Message Center (such as generating Medication Refill Requests), refer to the eKiDs Ambulatory Training Manual on KDnet.
Schedule Tab The Schedule Tab allows you to view checked in appointments that have been entered from Epic for a selected provider. While you cannot check in or check out patients from the Schedule Tab, you are quickly able to view physician appointments, patient names, descriptions, and durations for a selected date.
Schedule Tab views You can elect to view the Schedule by the day, week, or month based on your personal preferences. To change the view, select Schedule from the Menu bar and choose the applicable view that you would like displayed.
Week View will show you scheduled appointments for one week Week View will show you scheduled appointments for one week. Within the week view: Clicking on the arrow on one of the days brings you back to Single Day View. Hovering your mouse over a patient’s name gives you an information box containing general information about the patient. Double clicking on the patient’s name will open up their chart. Right clicking on a patient and selecting Open Chart allows you to open to a specific tab within a patient’s chart.
The Ambulatory Organizer The Ambulatory Organizer provides a simple and comprehensive view of a physician’s schedule. It provides a snapshot of the current day’s appointments, which includes appointment times, patient information, appointment details, and patient status
Colored Status Indicators Colored status indicators and status changes notify you of pertinent information