Week 2 Day 10 Friday, July 9
Tasks from Thursday Decide how to present the task with students, where will they record their work and how will it be made public. Choose the solutions you want shared and in what order, justifying your choices. Identify the mathematical connections you want to be sure students take from the discussions. Identify potential misconceptions and explain how those will be handled. Identify one or two questions you think would promote a level 3 discussion.
After gallery walk Did your plan account for all the solutions you saw? In particular refer to any solutions that were only used in one or two of the groups. What did you notice that was particularly interesting as you viewed the plans?
After viewing student solutions Take 5 minutes and think about what we did each day this week. What do you think you heard each day that will help you better craft discussions and math talk in the classrooms . Write your response on the card and turn it in as a ticket out.