Sector 25 from the Root Directory (in 32 byte chunks) Sectors of a FAT12 disk (512 bytes/sector) 0 Boot FAT1 7 8 FAT2 15 16 R.Dir 23 24 31 32 Data 39 40 47 48 55 56 63 64 71 72 79 80 etc. 87 Sector 25 from the Root Directory (in 32 byte chunks) entry Directory entry 104 Flowers Filename jpg Extension 700 Size 5 First cluster #@$%^& Etc.
Sectors of a FAT12 disk (512 bytes/sector) Directory entry 104 Flowers Filename jpg Extension 700 Size 5 First cluster #@$%^& Etc. Byte Number 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 … Value 5 76 4095 45 2 FAT Entry # 1 3 4 12 bits Sector Sectors of a FAT12 disk (512 bytes/sector) 0 Boot FAT1 7 8 FAT2 15 16 R.Dir 23 24 31 32 Data 39 40 47 48 55 56 63 64 71 72 79 80 etc. 87