Oo Sentences to read
Our school had a picnic at noon.
The smooth fruit hung from the tree branches.
The big blue blooms made the flowers special.
I was pressing grapes with a spoon to make juice.
She sat on a stool in the cool shade of branches.
Sue was pressing her fingers along the side of the pool to hold on.
Soon we will have a picnic at the zoo.
My cat clung to the branches and wasn’t in the mood to get down anytime soon.
We looked at the moon and stars from the deck of the cruise ship.
Stew is not a good food to take on a picnic.
Can you pull out the root of the bush?
He stood on soil by the brook.
Push the vine away from the pile of wood.
I put my foot on the bumpy road.
We found the footprint of a deer in the soil by the brook.
Look at all the good fruit that we will harvest.