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CTE Department August 27-28, 2012 Ms. Tee Employability Skills CTE Department August 27-28, 2012 Ms. Tee
Standard(s) ELA, Standard 3: Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks; analyze the specific results based on explanations in the text. ELA, Standard 6: Analyze the author’s purpose in providing an explanation, describing a procedure, or discussing an experiment in a text, identifying important issues that remain unresolved. ELA, Standard 7: Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., quantitative data, video, multimedia) in order to address a question or solve a problem. ELA, Standard 9: Synthesize information from a range of sources (e.g., texts, experiments, simulations) into a coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept, resolving conflicting information when possible. CCSS Math, S-IC: Making Inferences and Justifying Conclusions Understand and evaluate random processes underlying statistical experiments 1. Understand statistics as a process for making inferences about population parameters based on a random sample from that population.
Objectives Students will be able to interpret the range of employability skills in order to write a 3-4 sentence on how they plan to use them as part of their career goals.
Warm-up What is the difference between job readiness skills and employability skills? Do you think employability skills are teachable skills?
Vocabulary Accepting Feedback Accountability Active Listening Ambition/Initiative Appearance/Hygiene Attitude Computer Literacy Employability Skills Information Management Money Management Problem Solving Procedure/Rule Following Public Speaking Self-Assessment Self-Control Supervision Teamwork Timeliness Verbal Communication
National Association of Colleges and Employers Job Outlook 2000-2004 Did you know? The number one thing all career industries want A positive attitude Good work habits General employability
Employability skills….really Important part your learning. Promotes successful transition from school to work. Fundamental to creating you as an employable individual. Must have skills and knowledge necessary to be good citizens, effective parents, productive workers, and, most of all, life- long learners.
Are you job-ready? Job readiness skills are clustered into three skill sets: basic academic skills higher order thinking skills personal qualities. Employability skills are basic skills necessary for getting, keeping, and doing well on a job. teachable skills.
Activity: Let’s Get Thinking Think about your future plans for a career & money management. Each color represents a fact category: Green -- Personal goals Dark Brown -- Career(s) that interest you Yellow -- Hobbies and interests Orange -- Money management experience Red -- A fact about money Blue -- Add your own fact category Choose three colors/facts that best represents yourself.
Activity: Let’s Get Thinking Have ever thought about how much money you could “earn” by coming to class? What would be a reasonable pay rate? Is it per hour, per class, or per day? Using the pay rate, how much could you earn during your high school career? Support your answer with math modeling or personal experience.
Closure/Exit slip: Career Goals Sticky Think about 2 career goals Choose 5 employability skills that best represents the career goals Write 3-4 meaningful sentences on how you plan to reach each goal by way of the 5 employability skills you chose. Share your career goal plan with two people Provide feedback that is meaningful, i.e., make a suggestion, share your own experience, ask a probing question
Hw 1 & 2. Signatures Send me a professional email Class Syllabus & Computer Policy Signatures (You & Parent/Guardian) All due next class meeting: A day - Aug. 29, 2012 B day – Aug. 30, 2012
Hw 2. Personality Wordle Title Page Go to www.wordle.net or www.tagxedo.com Select the "create" option Insert 100 words that best describe you and your personality. Your "name" and choice of " http://ab146.k12.sd.us/Employability_Skills/e mployability_skills.htm " should be inserted 25 times. No other word should be used more than 15 times. Print your final "wordle" in color. It will be used as your cover for your engineering portfolio. Due: A day - Sept. 5, 2012 B day – Sept. 4, 2012
References Employability Skills. Retrieved from http://ab146.k12.sd.us/Employability_Skil ls/employability_skills.htm http://www.fremont.k12.ca.us/cms/lib04/ CA01000848/Centricity/Domain/189/em ployability-skills.pdf