Saving The more we save, the easier it is to achieve our goals and get ahead. Saving | Sorted in Schools
Saving In almost all cases, it’s cheaper to save for goods – a phone, a car, a holiday – than to go into debt to buy them. Saving for the future also gives us more options later on and keeps us prepared for anything unexpected. Saving | Sorted in Schools
Saving is a habit to start as soon as we can Saving is a habit to start as soon as we can. One of the best habits we can get into is “paying ourselves first” and making it automatic by setting up a savings plan. Saving | Sorted in Schools
Saving The first savings goal is to build an emergency fund to help with unexpected life events. Try to save about three months’ salary. This helps to avoid the use of high-interest debt to fix your car if it breaks down, or continue to pay your bills if you are between jobs. Saving | Sorted in Schools
Savings also support longer-term goals, including building a deposit for a house and saving for retirement through KiwiSaver. Saving | Sorted in Schools
KiwiSaver KiwiSaver is a voluntary savings scheme set up by the government to help New Zealanders save for their retirement. It enables us to save regularly directly from our pay to build a retirement fund for when we stop working. Saving | Sorted in Schools
We can choose to contribute 3%, 4% or 8% of our gross (before tax) wage or salary to our KiwiSaver account. Our employer has to contribute as well – at least 3% of our gross salary. Saving | Sorted in Schools
KiwiSaver Along with KiwiSaver employer contributions, there's an annual KiwiSaver government contribution. It’s a good deal! Funds are invested on our behalf by the KiwiSaver provider. Saving | Sorted in Schools
KiwiSaver We can also use our KiwiSaver funds to help buy our first home through a KiwiSaver HomeStart grant. When we change jobs or leave the workforce, our KiwiSaver account moves with us. If we experience hardship, it is possible to access our funds. Saving | Sorted in Schools
Saving Have a clear plan to keep your savings on track. Successful saving needs to be: little and long – every time you get paid, save at least a small amount. purposeful – set a goal for your savings and plan how to get there separate – keep your savings separate from your day-to-day accounts. Saving | Sorted in Schools