District 6000 Community Service Grant Management Seminar 2019-2020
What do you need to know? How community service grants work The whole process When to apply How to apply Mistakes to avoid Sweat equity mistakes Math errors How to file a final report Documentation needed
CSG Process Clubs submit applications to D6000 by June 1, 2019. D6000 approves, submits funding request to TRF. TRF remits funds to D6000 for distribution. Clubs file final report and documentation with D6000 to finish the project. Funds distributed to clubs for projects. Clubs manage projects and help their community.
Applying for a CS Grant Each club will receive a packet Contents Application for a Community Service Grant Terms and Conditions D6000 Local Rules Evaluation Criteria Final Report form and checklist Forms are also available on district website: Rotary6000.org
Applying for a CS Grant Applications MUST be submitted before June 1, 2019 Ask questions well in advance! What we have on June 1 is what will be submitted to the committee. Absolutely NO exceptions to this Submit to: D6000CSG@gmail.com Receive confirmation of receipt within 24 hours OR please contact us to ensure application was received! Ask if you have any questions, we’re happy to help!
D6000 Local Rules Club must be qualified by D6000 Club must have filed final report on all previous D6000 CS Grants to receive funds. Club must enter annual fund goal, polio goal AND membership goal in RI system to receive funds. Up to 25% of project can be sweat equity Up to $5,000 grant request per club Grant funds must be met 1:1 with club funds or equivalent
Application – Cover Sheet
Application – Who, what and when Projects objectives must align with the mission of The Rotary Foundation Project location must be within the geographical boundaries of District 6000. No on-going projects will be funded. Repeats are allowed after 5 years. Avoid large projects of which your club is only a small part (be in control). Projects should be finished and an acceptable report received by June, 2020.
Application – Describe it! Tell us about the project! Facts are greatly appreciated. How many people? What groups of people? How will the project serve to make their lives and/or community better?
Application – Rotarian Participation This is Transporting food from food bank etc. Helping packing food bags Distributing materials to teachers and children, reading to children in a classroom Transporting gifts, escorting and assisting children in gift selection Donating job-related expertise This is NOT Grant preparation Fundraising / donating Sitting on a committee to oversee expenditure of grant funds Preparing public relations articles Hours you are paid for or that you spend on another charitable board
Application – Sweat Equity Sweat equity can get confusing so use caution! Remember that it is only used for meeting your match, not paying for materials or services. Don’t get confused when budgeting! This happens to multiple clubs every single year. It’s calculated at minimum wage of $7.25 per hour Sweat equity can only be up to 25% of the total project and only up to 50% of your match. This is intended as a way to help cash-strapped clubs, so please use sparingly. Sweat equity is not necessary to show Rotarian participation.
Application - Contacts To reduce possible confusion, D6000 will generally ONLY communicate with the primary contact. Please use someone as the primary contact who: is in charge of the project, is responsive to questions, and will follow through with the final report. ALL three contacts and the club itself are responsible for document retention.
Application - Budget What is the project budget? Include a complete itemized budget for the entire project. Photos of planned projects are appreciated when appropriate to the project Quotes from the supplier or other cost documentation MUST be attached for each item. Don’t just estimate that a park bench will cost $700, include a quote/estimate/catalog printout, etc. Avoid potential conflicts of interest and reveal any that might be present
Application - Funding Tell us how you’re going to fund the project. If you are not using sweat equity, you ONLY need to fill out the left column. If you ARE using sweat equity, please fill out both columns. The beneficiary cannot be a source of funding for the club match.
Application – Ownership, Public Info Keep it nice! If your club builds a park or similar, who is going to maintain it and keep it looking nice? Many projects turn ownership over to the beneficiaries of the project, such as a school district or food bank. Tell people about it! How will everyone know who to thank for this project? This helps drive general interest in Rotary and in your club specifically. It’s okay to be proud!
Application – Cooperating Org. This is mainly for large projects where the Rotary Club is only doing a portion of the entire project. Example: A food bank is being renovated and the Rotary Club grant project is only for the kitchen portion of the renovation.
Application – Document Retention Keep that receipt! All documents must be retained for at least SEVEN YEARS once the project is closed. All expenditures related to the grant must be fully supported, even years later. Hard drives crash at the worst possible times, back up your files! All three contacts should have all documentation when the project is finished. The records should also be kept with the club records. Examples of what to keep include: grant application, quotes/estimates, invoices, receipts, check images, bank statements, credit card statements, etc.
Application – Check List
Application - Authorizations Three people must authorize on behalf of the club. Signature of primary contact Signature of 2019-2020 club president Signature of 2020-2021 club president If the president is the same for both years, have a board member sign as the third.
D6000 Committee Review All grant applications reviewed Late applications will NOT be considered Evaluation criteria include: Benefit to disadvantaged people: demographic of the individuals being served is considered (30 points) Benefit to Rotary’s public image:(15 points) Club contribution ratio: amount of funding club provides compared to funding requested (15 points) Member’s hands-on involvement: degree of direct involvement by Rotarians is considered (15 points) Club support for TRF (EREY): current and historical contributions to TRF are considered (25 points) District request submitted to TRF, clubs notified and funds distributed as soon as possible
Do the project, be amazing!
Final Report – Who, what and when These sections can practically be copied from your application. Modify as needed.
Final Report – Who did what? Remember what can and can’t be included as Rotarian participation!
Final Report - Income Include ALL funding used in the project: Club funds Grant funds – include proof of deposit, such as a bank statement Misc other funds (such as donations from someone in a store)
Final Report – Expenditures ALL EXPENDITURES MUST BE FULLY SUPPORTED WITH DOCUMENTATION! Need documentation to show: What was purchased and the final cost (receipt, paid invoice, etc) How was it paid for (check image, card/bank statement, email, etc) If the club did not pay for something directly, include the reimbursements to the person who made the purchase. If in doubt, keep and submit the documentation with the report!
Final Report – Income/Exp Notes Income and expenditures MUST match exactly. Please double check the math! A simple math error will require a report revision. All invoices MUST show paid or a zero final balance, nothing outstanding. Vendor statements are great – but invoices are needed to show the details. Please ask us if you have questions, rather than you spending tons of time struggling with something. We’re happy to help!
Final Report - Signature Signature required! If this is forgotten, the report will have to be resubmitted. The primary contact is generally the one responsible for the final report and this signature.
Final Report - Checklist A checklist is included in every packet with reminders. Application deadline is _______________ ?
Questions or concerns? If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please contact us for help! D6000CSG@gmail.com Or contact us individually at: Norlan Hinke Kris Ockenfels Chair D-6000 DG Committee D-6000 Committee Member Norlan.Hinke@gmail.com origcavy@hotmail.com (563) 219-5020 (cell) (319) 541-3540 (cell)