“Modern Weapons of WWI Reading” Warm Up – 01/06/16 “Modern Weapons of WWI Reading” Take and read the handout in your folders titled “Modern Weapons” put into your notebook on p. 69 1. Circle key figures and events (Remember a key figure doesn’t always have to be a person) 2. Underline or highlight the main idea of each paragraph 3. Put a “?” over each word you don’t know and define it in the margins. 4. Rank each paragraph based on importance of information. Write a reason beside each paragraph explaining the order.
Weapons of WWI Step 1: Take 3 sheets of blank paper and fold and staple so you have 6 flaps Step 2: Label the flaps just as the picture shows
Step 3: Place facts from the QR codes on the top part of each flap. Step 4: Underneath each fact write the importance and impact of each weapon had during WWI.
Weapons of WWI P. 70 At your desk are QR codes that hide information and video links for each new weapon that was used during WWI. With your device, scan each code and put the following pieces of information in your foldable: 1. 3 facts about each weapon (put on the front of the flaps) 2. Impact of the weapon and it’s importance on the change of warfare (Put underneath the flaps)
Exit Ticket Which weapon do you think had the most profound impact on World war one and on future wars? Explain why in three to five sentences.