“Go and Do Likewise” Answering the question; “Who is my neighbor” Luke 10:30-37 Sunday February 3, 2019.


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Presentation transcript:

“Go and Do Likewise” Answering the question; “Who is my neighbor” Luke 10:30-37 Sunday February 3, 2019

They’re not like us! “Therefore receive one another, just as Christ also received us, to the glory of God.” Romans 15:7 Many: Don’t always look like us. Have their own language. Run in packs and their social circles are very small. Have a different value system. Have different views. Act differently. Don’t trust openly.

They are like us! “ Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.” 1 John 3:2 They respect others They have good days and bad days They are law abiding They are hard workers who provide for their family They love their country They love their family

They come with baggage “God is Love”. John 4:8(b) -Many suffer from: Survivors guilt, PTS -Many self medicate, are addicted to drugs, or alcohol. -Many participate in what the general public would consider reckless behavior -Many are suspicious, cynical, and sarcastic. -Many don’t believe in God, think God hates them, or have lost their faith. Malachi 1:2,3 John 4:8

They come with baggage “You shall not murder.” Exodus 20:13 Many don’t think they deserve love. Many have self defeating thoughts. “I have failed.” “I have killed.” “I have left my family when they needed me.” “I have done things I’m not proud of.”

However; they are very proud However; they are very proud! “And whoever of you desires to be first shall be a slave to all.” Mark 10:44 Proud of their service to something larger than themselves. Proud of their country. Proud of their brotherhood. Proud of their families. This pride does come with a cost. A burden mentally, physically, and spiritually. How do we, as a family of God help?

Again, Veterans are very proud! Please do not pity them. Instead, show empathy, love, and concern. Again, Veterans are very proud!

How do I get involved? “Bear one anothers burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 As a congregation: As an individual Prayer Outreach Services: lawncare, food preparation, childcare, etc. Ministry- mentor, listen, show love and concern Prayer Letters and care packages Get involved with Veteran’s organizations (AMVETS, VFW, American Legion, Reboot Recovery, AIVA, Veterans Services organizations such as at Lipscomb Volunteer (at the VA, OSD, Wounded Warriors)

Anyone searching for truth. Who is my neighbor? Look outside your door. Anyone in need. Anyone hurting. Anyone searching for truth. -The “Great Commission”. GO into all the world… Mark 16:15 -The Second Greatest Command: …‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:31(b)

GO and do likewise!