Is there a link between disease and levels of economic development? Key Idea 2a: As countries develop economically, the frequency of communicable diseases decreases while the prevalence of non-communicable diseases increases. Learning Objectives: To investigate the link between high levels of air pollution in India and the increased incidence of cancer. To analyse the national and global solutions for dealing with this issue.
What is Air Pollution? Air pollution is due to emissions of particulates, nitrogen dioxide (NO₂), sulphur dioxide (SO₂) and ozone, mainly from motor vehicles, coal burning power stations and factories. What do you think indoor air pollution is? When many rural households in LICs who don’t have electricity, depend on burning biomass fuel such as animal dung for heating, and paraffin for cooking and lighting. Indoor air pollution is responsible for about 1 million premature deaths per year.
Particulate Pollution Particulate pollution is the biggest threat to human health. Tiny air-borne particulates smaller than 2.5 micrometres (PM 2.5) are released by burning fossil fuels and penetrate deep into people’s lungs. This causes illnesses like asthma, bronchitis, lung and heart disease and cancer. WHO guidelines set safe PM (particulate matter) 2.5.pollution levels at 10 micograms/mᶟ.
Air Pollution and Cancer in China
Air Pollution and Cancer in China
Air Pollution and Cancer in China
Case Study: Air Pollution and Cancer in India
Case Study: Air Pollution and Cancer in India So what can be done or is being done on a global scale to tackle these pollution issues and problems around the word? Global annual World Cancer Day drawing attention to the current global cancer “epidemic” and pressing governments to take more action to tackle this disease and one of its causes – pollution. WHO “Draft Road Map” - this publication addresses the problem of cancer as a leading avoidable cause of death and challenges governments around the world to confront the adverse health impacts if air pollution. 2015 Paris Climate Conference
Global Solutions to Air Pollution
National Solutions to Air Pollution in India Subsidies for petrol and diesel will be scrapped. Investment in public transport –14 Indian cities currently building rapid transit metro systems which will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Old brick chimneys in factories have been upgraded n some states to reduce smoke emissions. In rural areas, restrictions have been place on the burning of stubble in farmers fields.
Case Study: Air Pollution and Cancer in India Read page 347 AQA text book and produce a case study mind map on A3 paper on the air pollution and cancer in India. Make sure you use the following headings and support with data and evidence wherever possible. Evidence of air pollution in India. Causes of air pollution in India (include indoor air pollution too). What does PM 2..5. mean and why this is significant? WHO guidelines on safe levels of PM and India’s permissible levels of PM. Study Figures 11.15 and 11.16. Comment on the incidence of PM 2.5 pollution in relation to WHO and the Indian government’s safe guidelines. What proportions of cities in India fail to conform to the Indian government’s own PM 2.5 guidelines? Impacts of pollution on health. Evidence of a positive relationship between air pollution and elevated levels of mortality and morbidity in India’s cities compared to rural areas. Give examples.
Case Study: Air Pollution and Cancer in India Read page 348 AQA text book on “National and Global Solutions”. Add 2 further strands to your mind map 1) national solutions and 2) global solutions. Bullet point the national solutions and critically evaluate them – what progress has been made and what still needs to be done? Bullet point the global solutions and critically evaluate them – what progress has been made and what still needs to be done?
Exam Style Questions