The big secret in highered. I wanted to unpack this and understand how we can redesign it around studnet
82.4% 40.2% 8.3% 6.2% Top Income Quartile Bottom Income Quartile 36.1% Third Income Quartile Second Income Quartile 14.9% 16.5% 10.9% Bottom Income Quartile 8.3% 6.2% Source: New York Times, “The Reproduction of Privilege,” March 12, 2012
Systemic problems mean systemic solutions. View each problem from a systems approach
Example: UIA
Collective action is faster Collective action is faster. Building Collaboration: Relationships: Convene to build real relationships (to help them understand they aren’t alone and they are struggling with shared problem). Design experiences to cultivate ideation, creativity, and connection. Target: Identify a shared challenge. Do not force collaboration, help them engage in matchmaking/shuttle diplomacy. They won’t all want to do the same thing. Invest in convenings and resources for projects and ideas involving at least three campuses. Elevate those who scale an idea and demonstrate a reverence Attribution. Collaboration is not a means to and end. Take it seriously. Consultants need to know who the client is.
Higher education’s culture of broadcasting and obsession with our institutional boundaries.
You need to invest in capacity You need to invest in capacity. Specifically the kind that creates pipelines for diverse talent, AND project management and collaboration support that makes the lives of faculty and administrators easier. Stop hiring retired people back at .49 when you could use that same money to invest in future talent, and actually acknowledge the need for that work on the org chart.
Look to models outside higher education for inspiration.
Scale focus