Neutrino Physics & Astrophysics : Overview Particle Physics & Cosmology Neutrino Physics: WHY Neutrino Physics: HOW Anomalous Results/New Physics Future Projects Henry T. Wong / 王子敬 Academia Sinica / 中央研究院 @ Beijing / 北京 April 02
Standard Model of Particle Physics What are the fundamental building blocks of Matter ?? How do they interact among themselves ??
Matter & Interactions The “Standard Model” of Particle Physics
Building Blocks of Matter Nuclei & Atoms Everything
Particle Physics & Cosmology …. are related ……..
Accelerator Experiments
Neutrino Physics Road-Map Grand Unified Theories (GUT) L(n-mass)0 Structures & Compositions of Universe mn’s;Uij’s 0 n-Oscil. mn’s n-decays 0nbb b-spect.dist. anomal. int. ………. Particle Physics Cosmology Nuclear Physics Astrophysics n’s as Probe
Neutrino Physicist :
Neutrino Quotes ……. “Today I did something which one should never do in theoretical physics: I explained something which is not understood with the help of something which cannot be observed …….” Wolfgang Pauli 1930 “The neutrino is the SMALLEST bit of material reality ever concived of by man.” Reines & Cowen 1956 “The neutrino is a piece of nothing that spins.” Unknown Author “Neutrino physics is largely an art of learning a great deal by observing nothing.” Haim Harari 1988
Neutrino History 1914: continuous b-spectra (Chadwick) 1930: postulation of neutrinos (Pauli) 1934: theory of b-decay (Fermi) calculation of s(np) (Bethe,Peierls) 1956: observartion reactor ne (Reines,Cowan) 1957: measurement of n helicity (Goldhaber) 1962: discovery of accelerator nm (BNL) 1968: observation of solar neutrinos (Davis) 1974: discovery of weak neutral currents (CERN) 1987: observation of supernova SN1987a n’s (IMB,Kamiokande) 1989: three families of light neutrinos (CERN) 1998: evidence of atmospheric neutrino oscillation (Super-Kamiokande, …) 2000: observation of nt (Fermilab) 2001: evidence solar neutrino oscillation (SNO+SK+GALLEX ……)
Neutrino Sources n‘s everywhere: 300 per c.c. Observed window n‘s everywhere: 300 per c.c. from sun, supernovae, cosmic rays, reactors, accelerators, astrophysical sources, & relic Big Bang …
Atmospheric Neutrinos Solar Neutrinos Atmospheric Neutrinos
Cross Sections Challenges of Neutrino Experiments : Strong Electro-magnetic Weak l(H2O) 250 light years ! Challenges of Neutrino Experiments : “How to Beat the Small Cross-Section?” i.e. By building Massive Detectors while keeping cost/background Low !
Super-Kamionkande ※ Water Cerenkov detector: 5k tons, viewed by 11,000+ =50 cm PMTs in 1000 m underground site in central Japan ※ Physics: solar n, atmospheric n long baseline accelerator n, proton decays ..
Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) ※ Heavy Water Cerenkov detector: 1k ton, shielded by 7k ton of water viewed by 9456 PMTs located 2000 m underground in Canada. ※ Physics: Solar n …
KEK-SuperK (K2K) Accelerator n Flight path 250 km
KamLAND ※ Long Baseline Reactor n Oscillation 1 kton liquid scintillator in Japan
Three Families of Neutrino Mixing The Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata (MNS) matrix : atmospheric solar Possible CP Violation in n Sector:
Dm2 – : Summary
Fermilab: NuMI to MINOS CERN: CNGS to Gran Sasso Both with 750 km baseline …..
IceCube – km3 n Telescope ※ To detect high energy n’s South Pole AMANDA IceCube
Neutrino Factory with Muon Storage Ring ne & nm + anti-n’s, control & selectable intense source known spectra precision measurements of Dm2 and ij search of CP violation need O(1000 km) baseline BIG projects !!!
TEXONO is also a part of it Summary & Outlook Neutrinos are strange objects Strong evidenceS of massive neutrinos and finite mixing Physics Beyond the Standard Model ! More experiments & projects coming up EVEN MORE EXCITEMENT ! TEXONO is also a part of it