Refrain: There is one Lord, there is one faith, there is one Father of us all; and through his Son, who came to save us, there is one God living in us all.
We are one body in the Lord; We are all the people of his love. 1. We are one body in the Lord; We are all the people of his love.
Refrain: There is one Lord, there is one faith, there is one Father of us all; and through his Son, who came to save us, there is one God living in us all.
We are one spirit of new life; We are all united in the Lord. 2. We are one spirit of new life; We are all united in the Lord.
Refrain: There is one Lord, there is one faith, there is one Father of us all; and through his Son, who came to save us, there is one God living in us all.
There is one living hope in us: We are called to everlasting life. 3. There is one living hope in us: We are called to everlasting life.
Refrain: There is one Lord, there is one faith, there is one Father of us all; and through his Son, who came to save us, there is one God living in us all.
There is one fountain of rebirth blessing us with waters of new life. 4. There is one fountain of rebirth blessing us with waters of new life.
Refrain: There is one Lord, there is one faith, there is one Father of us all; and through his Son, who came to save us, there is one God living in us all.
Let us be worthy of his call; Let us seek each other in our God. 5. Let us be worthy of his call; Let us seek each other in our God.
Refrain: There is one Lord, there is one faith, there is one Father of us all; and through his Son, who came to save us, there is one God living in us all.