SARMa – Sustainable Aggregates Resource Management WP5 Günter Tiess, Montan University of Leoben 15-17 June, Region of Emilia Romagna, Bologna
Content of Presentation Purpose of WP5 Important issues Overview of WP5 Details of WP5
Purpose of WP5 WP addresses transnational aspects and possibilities for harmonizing policies/legislation related to 1) SARM 2) secure supply, 3) establishment of a Regional Centre for SARM and SSM. First 2 activities lead to recommendations for creation of a Aggregate Intelligence System (AIS) for SEE. multi-purpose, multi-scale interoperable Outputs will be summarized in a manual incorporating outputs of WP4, using in dissemination activities (workshops, brochures). Workshops on transnational supply: Will emphasize how to ensure SSM, considering environmental impacts considering increased recycling, enhancing economic development across SEE. Regional Centre has potential to become a durable result of the project.
Important issues of WP5 Creation of a SARMa-method and SSM-Policies Implementation of transnational view of theoretical and practical outputs in SEE. Know-how transfer through AIS integration and Regional Centre establishment of SARM and SSM, in order to achieve efficient implementation of SARM harmonized approaches, thus increasing sustainable quality of life, resource efficiency and long term cooperation in SEE countries.
Overview of WP 5 / Objectives Feasibility study and action plan for Regional Centre on SARM in SEE 5.4 Long term implementation of SARMa, i.e. Outputs of WP3,4,5. As well as AIS. 5.1 Legislation and policies harmonization Cross-border case studies, integrating SARM into land use planning, AIS-design M A SARM and SSM Manual for national and transantional level 5.3 SARM and SSM manual, recommend SEE countries to develop their aggregates resource management. 5.2 Sustainable supply among SEE Synthesis on supply aspects of case studies, land use planning, management, AIS-clarifiaction R
Overview of WP 5 / Methodology WP5 will be based on outcomes of W1-W4. WP5.1: Harmonization Case studies in defined areas (AT-SI-HU-HR + GR, RO + IT) WP 5.2: Securing supply Synthesis of collected information from WP 5.1 WP 5.3: Manual (national/transnational) Partners of WP4 and WP 5, providing information WP 4: Regional centre Feasibility study
Details of WP 5
WP 5.1: Harmonization of legislation and policies TASK Nr. PARTNERS (Leader: IGME) LOCATION Start - End TASK 1 TASK 2 TASK 3 MUL, MINGORP, GeoZS, MBFH, ER AT-SI-HU- HR and GR, RO, IT August 2010 – October 2011 Partners will oversee case studies in their areas, create reports trans-border, cross-country, synthesis design of AIS (contribution ) development of recommendation for decision makers
WP 5.1: Harmonization - TASK 1 Cross-border case studies Responsability Methodology Outputs Deadline IGME and all partners from WP 5.1 *Case studies in selected countries, i.e. AT-SI-HU- HR and GR, RO, IT *defining criteria how to conduct studies i.e. to be able to cover transnational aspects; *using standardized format to facilitate analysation/synthezation in WP5.2 * depending on country specific issues/SEE: close cooperation with stakeholders of dedicated regions (e.g.: Austria: Chamber of Commerce, land use planning authority in St. Pölten) Reports (trans-border, cross-country, synthesis) Linked to AT-SI-HU- Pages?: 50-70? October 2011 Subdeadline:
WP 5.1 Harmonization – TASK 2 Proposals on harmonization of legislation/policies and methods for incorporating SARM into land use planning and management Responsability Methodology Outputs Deadline IGME and All Partners from WP 5.1 *using basically information from WP4, i.e. existing legislation, land use planning approaches in SEE *using information from TASK 1/WP5.1 *depending on country specific issues/SEE: close cooperation with stakeholders of dedicated regions (e.g.: Austria: Chamber of Commerce, land use planning authority in St. Pölten) *recommendations, e.g. related to existing and/or implementing transnational/best practices Guidelines for integrating SARM (especially: methods) into legislation, land use planning in SEE; including recommendations for stakeholders on harmonization of procedures Guidelines in small reports? which form of guidelines? Must be very practically, to be applied. [discussion] October 2011 Subdeadline:
WP 5.1 – Harmonization – TASK 3 Design of structure and protocols for Aggregate Intelligence System Responsability Methodology Outputs Deadline All partners from WP 5.1 *Defining AIS, related to SARMa: AIS=System, comprising data, information, maps, legislation, practices, protocols, procedures, How shall it work? QUESTION:AIS - at which stage of WP will this issue basically defined/discussed? [discussion] *collecting information from WP 5.1 task 1, 2 (including WP4) *analysing, synthesizing Structure and protocol for multi-scale interoperable Aggregate Intelligence System How do we handle it? Regarding transnational aspects: „AIS – issue“ is very important. October 2011: Subdeadline:
WP 5.2 Securing Sustainable Supply Across SEE Role of partners: (leader: MUL) LOCATION Start - End TASK 1 TASK 2 TASK 3 METE PELLA MINGORP MBFH GeoZS FGG MGK10 Same Location as Action 5.1 plus AL and BA will also look at their trans-border aggregate supply issues August 2010 – October 2011 Role of partners: review case studies synthesizing, preparation of proposals on harmonisation/addressing SSM in land use planning analysing of AIS issues.
WP 5.2: Securing supply in SEE – TASK 1 Review and synthesis on supply aspects of case studies (5.1) Responsability Methodology Outputs Deadline MUL and all partners of WP 5.2 *review and synthesis on supply aspects of case studies (5.1) plus BA and AL *indication of „pro and contra issues“ in dedicated areas *Indication of best practices Recommendations on securing SSM in SEE, Recommendations in small reports? October 2011: Subdeadline:
Action 5.2: Securing supply in SEE – TASK 2 Proposals on harmonization of supply policies / legislation and methods for addressing SSM in land use planning and management Responsability Methodology Outputs Deadline MUL and all partners of WP 5.2 *strong reliance on 5.2/ TASK 1 outputs * close cooperation with stakeholders of dedicated regions in SEE (i.e. conducted case studies related to AT-SI-HU-HR and GR, RO, IT) *Proposals have to be refeered to „AIS-discussion“ *Recommendations on securing SSM in land use planning and management in SEE-regions Recommendations in small reports? October 2011: Subdeadline:
WP 5.2: Securing supply in SEE – TASK 3 Clarifying contributions of AIS to SSM planning Responsability Methodology Outputs Deadline MUL and all partners of WP 5.2 *strong reliance on WP4 and 5.2/ TASK 2 *Analysing, finding out the „gaps“- with regard to SSM planning in SEE Is there a possibility to find/define a criteria how to manage the issue „clarify “. How to messure? [discussion] * close cooperation with stakeholders of dedicated regions in SEE *Recommendation: Which design/structure of AIS will be needed (or would be the best one) to feed in existing SSM planning, i.e. to „contribute, harmonize and improve secure supplying“ in SEE October 2011: Subdeadline:
WP 5.3 Preparation of manual for national and transnational level TASK Nr. PARTNERS LOCATION Start - End TASK 1 All Partners from WP4 and WP5 N/A December 2010 – October 2011 Responsability Methodology Outputs Deadline All partners from WP4 and WP5 arranging collected information on SARM and SSM 700 copies in english and 1500 in local languages October 2011: Subdeadline:
WP 5.4 TASK Nr. PARTNERS (leader: GeoZS) LOCATION Start - End TASK 1 Follow-up activities: SARM regional centre TASK Nr. PARTNERS (leader: GeoZS) LOCATION Start - End TASK 1 MUL IGME TUC MBFH IGR FGG N/A February 2010 – October 2011
WP 5.4 Responsability Methodology Outputs Deadline Follow-up activities: SARM regional centre Responsability Methodology Outputs Deadline GeoZS and partners from ACTION 5.4 *conduct feasibility study and develop action plan for Regional Centre on SARM in SEE *based also on outputs of WP3, WP4 and WP5 as well as AIS. Regional Centre to carry forward the work and conclusions of SARMa. Joint Action plan for Regional Centre on SARM. October 2011