What to do if accosted by the Police This MEGA Orientation is for all grade levels 4/7/2019 Version : Written by: Edited by:
Discussion Outline/Lesson guide MEGA Mentors Lesson Guide What to do if accosted by the Police (All Grades Every Year) Format: Classroom, discussion Lesson Objective: Increase the students awareness of the problem that exists between law enforcement and the civilian community; mainly the African American (minority) community What the Student should know at the end of the session? There are good and bad officers, just as in the civilian population. Understand your rights as a private citizen. Stay calm, be polite and respectful when communicating with an officer of the law. Your main goal is to make it to your destination safely. Suggested Teaching Method: The presentation, discussion Suggested Material Needed: Computer, projector, Power Point presentation “What to do if accosted by the Police” Accompanying video(s), handouts Author: Johnny Beaton Date: October 3, 2018 Version : Written by: Edited by: 4/7/2019
Stay Calm; be polite and respectful MEGA Mentors **Please be aware that information in this presentation is not intended for you to use as a legal reference. As mentors, we want to make sure you are aware of some of your constitutional rights and keep you from having to go to jail. Let’s get started by taking a look at some terminology you should become familiar with: Accost-to approach someone boldly or aggressively. Arrest-to be seized by legal authority and take into custody. Harassment-aggressive pressure or intimidation. Probable Cause-reasonable grounds (for making a search, pressing a charge, etc.). Suspicious-having or showing a cautious distrust of someone or something. Warrant-a document issued by a legal authority, authorizing the police or law officer to make an arrest, search, or carry out some other action relating to the administration of justice. Your rights-legal and social ethical principles of entitlement. Mentors are asked to please share their experiences at any time. Stay Calm; be polite and respectful Version : Written by: Edited by: 4/7/2019
Stay Calm; be polite and respectful MEGA Mentors Here are some things to think about and do if you’re stopped by the police Be polite and respectful. Please stay in control; “some non-professional“ officers will do everything they can to get you upset, to give them a reason to arrest you, or something worse. Stay calm and in control of your words, body language, and emotions. Some people like to “show off” in front of their friends. Don’t do it, just don’t!! Remember, anything you say or do can be used against you. Keep your hands where the police can see them. Ask for a lawyer immediately upon your arrest. Remember officers' badge numbers. Stay Calm; be polite and respectful Version : Written by: Edited by: 4/7/2019
Stay Calm; be polite and respectful MEGA Mentors Write down everything you remember ASAP. Try to find witnesses & their names & phone numbers. If you are injured, take photographs of the injuries as soon as possible, but make sure you seek medical attention first. If you feel your rights have been violated, contact a lawyer. Stay Calm; be polite and respectful Version : Written by: Edited by: 4/7/2019
Stay Calm; be polite and respectful MEGA Mentors Some steps may require further explanation. Stay Calm; be polite and respectful Version : Written by: Edited by: 4/7/2019
Stay Calm; be polite and respectful MEGA Mentors Here are some things to think about and don’t do if you’re stopped by the police Don't run. Don't touch any police officer. Don't resist even if you believe you are innocent. Don't complain on the scene; you can do this later. Do not make any statements regarding the incident. Stay Calm; be polite and respectful Version : Written by: Edited by: 4/7/2019
MEGA Mentors Step 5: Celebrate success. When you accomplish a goal—and climb from one rung to the next along the way—celebrate. Be sure to do so in ways that are meaningful to you Master these steps and you’ll experience the joy that comes from seeing yourself succeed. During the process, you’re likely to become a goal getter as well.. Some steps may require further explanation. Version : Written by: Edited by: 4/7/2019
MEGA Mentors SMART goals are: SAVVY—They’re easy for you and meaningful. (Construct my dream house of paper) MEASURABLE—They define exactly what you need to do. (Shoot 1,000 jump shots a week) ACTIVE—They feature an action word such as read, run, or learn. (Run 2 miles a day for a week) REACHABLE—They stretch you, yet are realistic enough to be achieved. (Even though my sister has had a perfect GPA all her life, my goal is to get A’s and B’s.) TIMED—Have clear deadlines. (Learn all my lines for the school play by next Wednesday.) Version : Written by: Edited by: 4/7/2019
Quotes: Start PlanningYour Future Now MEGA Mentors Quotes: Start PlanningYour Future Now “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there.” George Harrison “ What Do You Really Want?” Beverly K. Bachel “Begin with the end in mind” Stephen Covey “If you do not set and strive for goals, you are going to work on stuff that doesn't matter, thereby wasting your time” D. Keener Version : Written by: Edited by: 4/7/2019
Summary and Questions: MEGA Mentors Summary and Questions: What did you learn from this session? When is the best time to start making goals? Will you be successful if you don’t dream big and do something about it? Why or why not? ASSIGNMENT: Write down your long range goals (be, want, give, have) and a be prepared to discuss with your mentors. Get excited!! Version : Written by: Edited by: 4/7/2019
Stay Calm; be polite and respectful MEGA Mentors The correct way to handle a traffic stop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVx0NpYbtus How to deal with Police on the street Emphasize how important it is to read, read, read!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6hzZclbjLk Stay Calm; be polite and respectful Version : Written by: Edited by: 4/7/2019
References and Contributors From the MEGA website, the section for mentors about tips for building a mentoring relationship. Input from teachers and other mentors. “ What Do You Really Want?” a book by Beverly K. Bachel Howard Corey, Greg Cummings Version : Written by: Edited by: 4/7/2019