Korean e-Navigation project SMART-Navigation Presented by Sewoong OH (KRISO) December. 2016
01 02 03 04 05 e-Navigation SMART-Navigation Strategy of SMART-Navigation 02 SMART-Navigation 04 Roadmap 05 Benefit of SMART-Navigation 01 e-Navigation
01 e-Navigation e-Navigation is … Definition of e-Navigation (by IMO) “E-navigation is the harmonized collection, integration, exchange, presentation and analysis of marine information on board and ashore by electronic means to enhance berth to berth navigation and related services for safety and security at sea and protection of the marine environment”, IMO MSC 85/26/Add.1 ‘e’ of e-Navigation means… ‘e’ could have stood for ‘enhanced’ or ‘electronic’, but this would unnecessarily limit
01 e-Navigation e-Navigation Key elements of e-Navigation Ship New generation’s ECDIS Integrated Bridge System Ship Area Network Device for small craft Shore-based Maritime Cloud service Maritime Big-Data Ship Monitoring System e-Navigation Network Maritime LTE Network Digital GMDSS Network
e-Nav Services for non-SOLAS ships 02 SMART-Navigation SMART-Navigation is … Total Maritime Safety Management System utilizing Digital Communication system SMART-Navigation Taking into consideration special maritime environment in Korean Coastal Waters e-Nav Services for non-SOLAS ships SMART-Nav IMO e-Nav = +
02 SMART-Navigation Aim Basic Information SMART-Navigation is … SMART-Navigation aims at WIDER CONNECTION, SMARTER NAVIGATION Basic Information Project Name: SMART-Navigation Project Organized by: Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Republic of Korea Lead partner: KRISO (Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean engineering) Implementation period: August 2013 – December 2020 Budget: KRW 130 B (USD 116 M)
02 SMART-Navigation SMART-Navigation Services I M O S P s 1. VTS Information Service 2. VTS Navigation Assistance Service 3. VTS Traffic Organization 4. Local Port Service 5. Maritime Safety Information 6. Pilotage service 7. tugs service 8. vessel shore reporting 9. Telemedical Maritime assistance Service 10. Maritime Assistance Service 11. nautical chart service 12. nautical publications service 13. ice navigation service 14. Meteorological information service 15. Hydrographic & environmental information service 16. Search and Rescue(SAR) Korea’s specially designed service For safety, economy, security and environmental protection in Korea Essentially required service Specialized service Additional service not included in the preliminary list of MSPs but necessary For Korea maritime safety management e-Navigation service for coastal small ships, fishing vessel, leisure boat, etc Remote monitoring for risk of collision, aground Remote monitoring of ship's on-board sys. Support for Optimized Safety Route ECS Streaming service for small ship
02 SMART-Navigation SMART-Navigation Services SMART-Navigation project is focused on the Korean marine traffic environment providing the following services. ID Service Target Vessels Communication Method S1 Monitoring Assistance Service for high risk ships Korean passenger ship (Domestic/International voyages) LTE-M VDES Korean dangerous cargo vessel Korean ship for international voyages S2 Remote Monitoring on system onboard Upon request LTE-M, VDES/SAT S3 Optimal route planning S4 Electronic Navigational Chart streaming for small vessels Coastal vessel (Only for Domestic voyages) LTE-M S5-1 Pilot/Tug Assistance Service Pilot and Tug S5-2 Maritime Safety Information Service
02 SMART-Navigation SMART-Navigation Project S M A R T Sea traffic coordination & optimization S M Active & proactive maritime safety management Maritime domain awareness A R T maritime Telematics Remote Assistance Activity 1 Core Technology Development Enabling comprehensive situational awareness & responding service(S1) WP1 Monitoring Assistance for high risk ships e-Navigation service development covering Korean maritime traffic (S2/S3/S4) WP2 Remote monitoring on system onboard for high risk ships WP3 Optimal routes planning for high risk ships WP4 Electronic Navigation Chart streaming for small vessels Developing essential services required by IMO e-Navigation(S5) WP5 Pilots/tugs assistance service WP6 Maritime safety information service (information on maritime safety, weather, route) Activity 2 Developing SMART-Navigation operating system & Digital maritime infrastructure WP7 Comprehensive operating system for e-Navigation WP8 Establishing high speed wireless maritime network(LTE-M) WP9 Establishing digital system for maritime wireless communication Activity 3 Leading Technology Development for global standardization WP10 Developing Maritime data standards(S-10X) WP11 Developing Maritime cloud WP12 Developing maritime wireless communication(standard) technology WP13 S-mode
02 SMART-Navigation Korea`s Specially Designed Services (1) Accident Preventing Service for the Vulnerable ships Technology for Supporting Optimized Safety Route Vulnerable ships from land, utilizing related information Coastal Passenger ship Coastal Tanker Coastal Cargo ship Vulnerable ships ▼ Cal. For Optimized Safety Route Aware risk of collision, aground Monitoring of Traffic E-Nav Operation System Rescue Org. Real time route info. Passage plan Real time route info. Ships around of Rescue operation Optimized route info.
Ship’s status(Internet) 02 SMART-Navigation Korea`s Specially Designed Services (2) Real time Context Aware Monitoring Service Total maritime traffic management technology for monitoring ship’s status(incline, fire, flooding, engine status), operation status, etc through information from ship and shore Information Big Data Ship’s status Ship’s status(Internet) Real-time Monitoring
Total Solution for Fishing Vessel 02 SMART-Navigation Korea`s Specially Designed Services (3) Customized service for Fishing vessel Providing optimized service for fishing vessel to prevent maritime accidents - Real-time monitoring of fishing vessel`s position - Providing information of Sea temp, weather, tide, etc Position information Onboard information Risk Analysis Total Solution for Fishing Vessel Weather info. KMA Safety Info. Ships’s Info(PSN,etc) Sea temp. info Fishing Vessel KHOA
02 SMART-Navigation Korea`s Specially Designed Services (4) Navigational Chart Service for Small ships Provide Real-time Navigational chart service to Small ships (Fishing vessel, leisure boat, etc) Nav. Area, Ship’s info. Before Dep. e-Nav Operation System Chart(Download in the ship) Real-time PSN After Dep. e-Nav Operation System Real-time Safety info, Chart update streaming service
03 Strategy of SMART-Navigation Core Technology R&D Next Gen. Develop Core technologies on the service for SMART-Navigation R&D Total Maritime Traffic Management Tech. R&D Next Gen. Maritime radio comm Tech. R&D Leading International Standard (S-10x, S-Mode) Tech.
03 Strategy of SMART-Navigation Infrastructure Construct National Maritime Safety Infrastructure for realization of SMART-Navigation Construct total operation system for e-Navigation Construct Next Gen. Maritime radio comm. infrastructure
03 Strategy of SMART-Navigation Infrastructure China China Korea Korea Within 100Km = LTE-Maritime 100~300km = Digital GMDSS Japan Japan
03 Strategy of SMART-Navigation 01 02 03 04 Platform Construct national system to achieve policy object related to marine accident prevention and efficient port operation, promoting industry 01 02 Improvement system for marine safety & Port operation Development of maritime safety industrial environment 03 04 Cultivating customized Specialist with academic-industrial collaboration Arrangement of legislative system
03 Strategy of SMART-Navigation 01 02 03 04 Governance National Co-operation & Operation System, Public relations, International Co-operation System 01 02 Inter-ministerial Consultative Organization Public-Private co-operation Partnership 03 04 Enhance International Network Activate National Communication
04 Roadmap SMART-Navigation Project Roadmap R&D Operation 2013 2016 2017 2019 2020 R&D Developing relevant core Tech. & Services Infrastructure Construct the e-Navigation operation system & Maritime Digital Infra(Communication system) Conceptual design Operation Architecture of SMART-Nav Organizing Governance
New technology and expertise for international community 05 Benefit of SMART-Navigation SMART-Navigation can achieve… ㄹ\ Safety Efficiency Happiness Reduction of 30% maritime accident rate Solution for users at sea Creative New technology and expertise for international community Improvement of port productivity and efficiency 2013 2030 740 500 2012 30% Ship fuel consumption Port efficiency 30%
06 Conclusion (Role of Hydrographic office) Key actor for e-Navigation project Ship <-> Network <-> Shore (VTS, PA, Met org, CG, Hydrographic Office…) I M O S P s 1. VTS Information Service 2. VTS Navigation Assistance Service 3. VTS Traffic Organization 4. Local Port Service 5. Maritime Safety Information 6. Pilotage service 7. tugs service 8. vessel shore reporting 9. Telemedical Maritime assistance Service 10. Maritime Assistance Service 11. nautical chart service 12. nautical publications service 13. ice navigation service 14. Meteorological information service 15. Hydrographic & environmental information service 16. Search and Rescue(SAR) CMDS (S-100) S-101 ENC S-102 Bathy surface S-104 Tidal height S-111 Surface Current S-112 Water level S-124 Nav Warning S-12X Nautical Pubs S-412 Weather overlay :
THANK YOU If you need further information, please contact: Dr. OH, Sewoong osw@kriso.re.kr