Competency 001. D-E Victoria Lopez EDTC 6343.61
The MTT teacher: Demonstrates knowledge and applications of technology-related terminology and concepts Hardware Software Data-Input strategies Ethical practices
The MTT knows how to: Acquire Analyze Evaluate Digital information from the internet and other sources
The MTT identifies and demonstrates knowledge of how to create, use, manipulate and exchange digital file formats between applications and/or platforms.
Digital File Formats Images Audio Video Text
Image File Formats The three most common formats for digital images are: TIFF JPEG GIF
Image Compression “Lossless” compression: you can compress TIFF files by as much as one-third without throwing away any needed information. Even so, they are still much too big for a typical website. JPEGs, which use a “lossy” compression algorithm (meaning that they throw away information—albeit much of it information that the human eye doesn’t notice), are significantly smaller.
Audio File Formats .aif Audio Interchange File Format .mp3 MP3 Audio File .iff Interchange File Format .mpa MPEG-2 Audio File .m3u Media Playlist File .ra Real Audio File .m4a MPEG-4 Audio File .wav WAVE Audio File .mid MIDI File .wma Windows Media Audio File
Video File Formats .3g23GPP2 Multimedia File .flvFlash Video File .3gp3GPP Multimedia File .movApple QuickTime Movie .asfAdvanced Systems Format File .mp4MPEG-4 Video File .asxMicrosoft ASF Redirector File .mpgMPEG Video File .aviAudio Video Interleave File .rmReal Media File .srtSubRip Subtitle File .swfShockwave Flash Movie .vobDVD Video Object File .wmvWindows Media Video File
Text File Formats .doc Microsoft Word Document .pages Pages Document docx Microsoft Word Open XML Document .texLaTeX Source Document .log Log File .txtPlain Text File .msg Outlook Mail Message .wpdWordPerfect Document .odt OpenDocument Text Document .wpsMicrosoft Works Word Processor Document
Product Evaluation Demonstrates knowledge of criteria for evaluating productivity and authoring tools for selection acquisition and use Quality Appropriateness Effectiveness Efficiency
Authoring Tools
Authoring Tools Include: word processors desktop publishing programs webpage builders website management systems HTML editors Any software program that can be used to create content that can be uploaded and viewed on the Internet or intranet network systems is considered a web authoring tool. Distribution methods include: web, kiosk, interactive CD-ROM, and executable file.
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