The Divide Between North & South Grows… Lead up to Civil War The Divide Between North & South Grows…
Basic North & South Differences Before the war even broke out… Northern Abolitionist – opposed slavery Industrialized Large population Small farms Southern Plantation owners – supported slavery Agriculturally Based Large plantations Traded with other countries as well as the north Small population Well-trained generals
The North Northern states had a diversified economy relying on factories, small farms, trade and businesses. North had a well developed railroad system. They did not rely on slave labor to create goods or harvest.
The South Southern states had an agriculturally based economy relying on large farms/plantations, and trade with other countries. South had an under-developed railroad system. They mostly relied on slave labor to create goods or harvest.
Missouri Compromise - 1820 In 1820 - States were divided between slave-states and free-states. When new states wanted to be admitted to the union they had to be either admitted as a free or slave. PROBLEM: When Missouri applied for statehood, Northerns and Southerns disagreed whether it should be free or slave. COMPROMISE: To settle this Missouri was admitted as a Slave state, while Maine was admitted as a free state to create a balance. The compromise also said that the remainder of the Louisiana Purchase would be split into two parts. Everything below the 36˚ Parallel would be a slave territory. Everything above the 36˚ Parallel would be a free territory.
Compromise of 1850 30 years after the Missouri Compromise… Tensions had began to flare once again over the debate of slavery and whether it should remain in America. PROBLEM: California was half way between the 36˚ Parallel so whether it would be slave or free began the debate again. Also the new New Mexico Territory was being debated at the same time. Southerns had begun to discuss secession, the formal withdrawal of a state from the Union, more frequently. COMPROMISE: California would be admitted as free, but harsher fugitive slave laws were created. Aside from this the new territories (Utah and New Mexico) applying to be states could vote on whether they would be admitted as free or slave.
Compromise of 1850
The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 The compromise of 1850 allowed Utah and New Mexico to vote on whether they would be a slave or free state. Kansas & Nebraska felt as though they deserved the same treatment and their fate shouldn’t be decided be the 36˚ Parallel. They appealed the congress to get popular sovereignty (the right to vote for or against slavery for themselves). Congress agreed to allow Kansas and Nebraska the vote. After the Act was passed a large amount of people flooded the states to try and sway the vote and vote illegally. Violence broke out among the two sides leading to the name “Bleeding Kansas”.
The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854
Political Parties in the 1850s Two major political parties emerge in the 1850s… Democrats: Supported slavery, slave states, and native- born people. Found in the South Conservative – State’s Rights! Began to splinter when supporting presidential candidates. Republicans: Anti-slavery, free states. Found in the North Not necessarily having positive feelings toward African Americans, but they believed slavery created competition in the work market for whites.
Abraham Lincoln Elected President - 1860 A republican candidate for the President of the United States. Wins based on moderate views. Pledged not to spread slavery, but also promised that he would not interfere with current slavery. Didn’t necessarily support “freeing” slaves, but will towards the end of the Civil War.
South Secession Lincoln’s victory convinced Southerns that they had lost their remaining political voice in the national/federal government. They saw this presidential victory as losing state self- determination/direction and increasing the federal governments control over the states. The first state to secede was South Carolina. Followed by Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. These states went on to create their own government called the Confederacy, which they had their own constitution and president. The president of the confederacy was Jefferson Davis the former senator for Mississippi.
South Secession
Underground Railroad Underground Railroad: A secret network of people who would, at great risk to themselves, hide fugitive slaves. The system of escape routes they used became known as the Underground railroad.