SUMERIAN CIVILIZATION Geography Government Society Religion Learning
SUMERIAN CIVILIZATION Geography Government Society Fertile Crescent – an arc of fertile land curving from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea; a crossroads where people met and ideas were exchanged. Mesopotamia – the land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers; subject to terrifying floods, control of the flood waters was the key to success. city-states; each city had it own ruler responsible for protecting the people. Rulers were the chief servants of the gods Hierarchy – 1) ruling family, leading officials, high priests; 2) lesser priests, scribes, merchants, artisans; 3) peasant farmers (majority) Women were subject to male authorities, but did have legal rights; upper class women could engage in trade and own property.
SUMERIAN CIVILIZATION Religion Learning Polytheistic; gods controlled forces of nature; must keep them happy Each city built a ziggurat dedicated to their chief god Belief in afterlife a grim underworld; the result of the unpredictable devastating floods??? Cuneiform – earliest known form of writing Literature – Epic of Gilgamesh gives us clues about Sumerian religion Math – basic algebra and geometry Astronomy calendar