Leaders in the Church (5) Elders (4) What are the qualifications of an elder (3)? New Testament Church 2017
Previously It is God’s desire that we appoint elders! Acts 14:23, Titus 1:5, etc. They need to be qualified! God has given the standard 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9 Considering their responsibilities, the standard should be high, but not impossible!
Previously He must be a man! 1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:6 Desire needs to be there – 1 Tim. 3:1, 1 Peter 5:2 But that desire must be brought into check - not all will qualify He must be “blameless” – meaning accusations are not sustained.
Previously Not a novice 1 Timothy 3:6 Able to teach – 1 Timothy 3:2 His character – temperate, sober-minded, self-controlled; Gentle, not covetous, a lover of what is good, just and holy
Qualifications – His conduct First consider his character – his character will affect how he behaves, not only with brethren, but at all times and with everyone Of good behavior (1 Tim. 3:2) – he conducts himself properly. He is courteous and respectful of others. Not drawing undue attention to himself. As an elder he represents the Lord’s church. He must act like it at all times.
Qualifications – His conduct Not given to wine (3:3, Titus 1:7) (not addicted to wine – NASB) Not addicted to ANYTHING! He must be capable of making decisions, completely uninhibited. Not violent (1 Tim. 3:3) – (peaceable – NASB) not easily drawn into a fight. Not a bully. Elders should not be looking for confrontation. Not so intimidating, none will approach him. Does not bully them into submission
Qualifications – His conduct Not quarrelsome (3:3) - (peaceable – NASB). Also Titus 3:2 – peaceable. This could be the one LOOKING for a fight. He is not looking for trouble. They seek resolution when there is trouble. His work is not to make the flock miserable, nor to micromanage their lives. Not self-willed (1 Tim. 3:3) – not selfish, or thinking about himself. Christians think about others (Philippians 2:3-4) Elders should not make decisions based upon personal desires. They are there for the flock.
Qualifications – His conduct Holding fast the faithful word (Titus 1:9) He knows the word of God and defends it. He doesn’t compromise it! He handles the word with integrity. Hospitable (1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:8) – one who provides for strangers (primarily traveling) (cf. Luke 10:30-36) Elders are approachable by others and helpful when they can be. They must be accessible to the flock.
Qualifications – His conduct A good testimony among those who are outside (3:7) We are all to be salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16). Our interaction with the world is such that we are “blameless” (cf. 1 Peter 3:16, 2:11-12, 15) Elders must be reputable in business with integrity & honesty. An asset within the community, not an embarrassment. A good neighbor. NOTHING that would give the church a black mark to the community.
Qualifications – His family 1 Timothy 3:4-5, Titus 1:6. The qualities described show he demonstrates the needed ability to lead. There is debate about details associated with family qualities. Again, let them be high, but not impossible NOTE: There is a crisis in society today seeking men of this character
Qualifications – His family He rules his house well (1 Timothy 3:4) - He is the head of his house and in proper control. A good indicator of his character is seen in the way he rules his family. Is he fair and loving? Do they respect him? Is he in control? Is he a hypocrite? Family, typically knows one better than anyone else.
Qualifications – His family Husband of one wife (1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:6) – He is scripturally married, not a polygamist. 1 Timothy 3:11, addresses the qualities of the wives of leaders. Reverent, not slanderers (gossips), temperate, faithful in all things. (cf. 1 Peter 3:1, Ephesians 5:22-24, etc.) An elder needs a godly wife who will stand with him as he shepherds. A helpmeet, not hindrance!
Qualifications – His family Having respectful children (1 Timothy 3:4, Titus 1:6) – 3:4, his children in submission with all reverence – they are respectful and obedient to their parents (Ephesians 6:1-3) Titus 1:6, faithful children, not accused of dissipation (excess) or insubordination (rebellion)
Qualifications – His family Having respectful children (1 Timothy 3:4, Titus 1:6) – NOTE: his children must be old enough to comprehend & demonstrate these things An elder has raised his family to understand what it means to serve God. They have demonstrated that.
Qualifications – His family Why these qualities? 1 Timothy 3:5, if he doesn’t know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the church of God? – Elders need to know how to guide with love and devotion to God. If he can’t control those he has the greatest influence over, how is he going to manage the congregation?
Final thoughts We are dealing with the house of God! He wants us to appoint godly and capable men to pastor us. Let us seek to find men who are qualified, rather than seeking to disqualify them? (This is about attitude)
Are we striving to ensure that our leaders are who and what God expects? New Testament Church 2017