SCHOOL EXPECTATIONS Discipline / Behavior Policy 2016-17 ACACIA MIDDLE SCHOOL SCHOOL EXPECTATIONS Discipline / Behavior Policy 2016-17
Positive, accountable, working hard & safe P.A.W.S. It is the expectation from all staff that you adhere to our school wide behavioral expectations, or P.A.W.S., while on campus Make sure you are…. Positive, accountable, working hard & safe
DO Bring to School Positive attitude :) Things you need to be prepared to learn Binder with dividers Paper Pencils Highlighters Notebook PE Clothes
Do NOT Bring to School: Inappropriate clothing No art or writing on clothing displaying drugs, sex, alcohol, violence/weapons, gangs Bandanas, hats with logos, flip-flops, pajamas, slippers, mini-skirts, short shorts, revealing or oversized clothes, exposed undergarments, sagging pants, etc. Jewelry Dangerous or spiked bracelets, spiked piercings, oversized hoop earrings (no bigger than a quarter), etc. Electronic equipment Cell phones, cameras, iPods, game systems, chargers, earphones (AMS is not responsible for lost/stolen items) Gum, candy, cakes, balloons, etc. Weapons or any other item that is restricted by the site such as Knives, guns, chains, brass knuckles, laser pointers, shockers, rubber bands
What is Expected (and appreciated) Behavior? Attend all classes and be on time Be prepared for class Address everyone politely through words and actions Be an active learner and listener Raise your hand before speaking in class Always make right choices Clean up after yourselves; throw away trash
What is Unacceptable Behavior? DO NOT: Run on campus or cut in lines Text or use cell phone on campus Horseplay, play fight Harass/Intimidate/Bully Kiss or hug : NO PDA Throw objects (food, paper, pencils, etc.) Disrupt class (talking, not following teacher directions and procedures) Disrespect teachers, staff, students, or yourself
What is Unacceptable Behavior continued...? Fighting or posturing to fight Making threats about fighting (verbally or on social media or texting) Spreading rumors of fights Encouraging someone to fight Intimidation Horseplaying Video recording a fight
Consequences for Fighting OR Threatening to Fight Students can be suspended for ANY of the offenses mentioned Acacia Middle School has a ZERO tolerance policy for students who look to make our campus unsafe Whatever you come to school looking for you will find.... look for trouble you will find it... look for the good and you will EXCEL!
Each choice has a Consequence Each consequence has a destination