Rule Reminders
Be nice and respectful.
2. Be safe.
3. Be prepared and on time. If you aren’t in my classroom by the time the tardy bell rings YOU ARE TARDY. You need a pen or pencil and your science notebook every day!
4. The five passes you get each nine weeks must be used any time you have to leave the room. (For any reason: locker, gym, other classes, bathroom…)
5. Remember, if you are absent, YOU HAVE MAKE UP WORK TO DO 5. Remember, if you are absent, YOU HAVE MAKE UP WORK TO DO!!!! During the middle of class is not a good time to discuss everything you missed.
6. You only have 3 minutes to complete the bell ringer 6. You only have 3 minutes to complete the bell ringer. When the timer goes off, pencils go down!
7. Copying someone’s work is called CHEATING 7. Copying someone’s work is called CHEATING! ANY FORM of CHEATING is unacceptable, and both people will receive a ZERO.
8. No food, drink, or electronic devices in class.
9. The bell does not dismiss you; the teacher does.