How fractions, decimals and percentages work together.
The connection between fractions, decimals and percentages. Share into 100 equal parts. Fraction Decimal % 1 100 0.01 1% 2 100 0.02 2% 3 100 0.03 3% 4 100 0.04 4% 5 100 0.05 5%
The connection between fractions, decimals and percentages. Share into 100 equal parts. Fraction Decimal % 6 100 0.06 6% 7 100 0.07 7% 8 100 0.08 8% 9 100 0.09 9% 10 1 100 10 0.10 10%
The connection between fractions, decimals and percentages. Share into 100 equal parts. Fraction Decimal % 100 11 0.11 11% 100 12 0.12 12% 100 13 0.13 13% 100 14 0.14 14% 100 15 0.15 15%
The connection between fractions, decimals and percentages. Share into 100 equal parts. Fraction Decimal % 100 16 0.16 16% 100 17 0.17 17% 100 18 0.18 18% 100 19 0.19 19% 10 2 100 20 0.20 20%
The connection between fractions, decimals and percentages. Share into 100 equal parts. Fraction Decimal % 100 21 0.21 21% 100 22 0.22 22% 100 23 0.23 23% 100 24 0.24 24% 4 1 100 25 0.25 25%
The connection between fractions, decimals and percentages. Share into 100 equal parts. Fraction Decimal % 1.00 100% 10 100 0.10 10% 10 1 100 0.20 80% 10 2 100 20 0.90 90% 10 9 100 90 0.80 80% 10 8 100 80 0.30 20% 10 3 100 30 0.40 40% 10 4 100 40 0.50 50% 10 5 100 50 0.60 60% 10 6 100 60 0.70 70% 10 7 100 70
The connection between fractions, decimals and percentages. Share into 100 equal parts. Fraction Decimal % 1.00 100% 100 1 0.75 75% 100 75 4 3 0.50 50% 100 50 2 1 0.25 25% 100 25 4 1
The connection between fractions, decimals and percentages. This can also be shown on a number line. 25% 50% 75% 100% 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1 4 1 2 3 4 1