A Generic System for Clearinghouses DBClear A Generic System for Clearinghouses Heiko Hellweg, Bernd Hermes, Max Stempfhuber
Facts Cooperation of the Social Science Information Centre, Bonn and the Lower Saxony state and university library (SUB), Göttingen Funded by the DFG” Grant for two project members in Bonn and one in Göttingen from Oct. 2000 to Sep. 2002
Goals Creation of a generic, database driven portal system for flexible use in different contexts Arbitrary description elements Automation Workflow Multi linguality Support for various metadata standards
Description elements and structure Attributes Component field structure Language dependency Facettes Categories Relations
Different Types of Descriptions Stocks: types of described objects Slots for attributes and facettes Constraints Views on the data
Automation Content Discovery Regular domain specific Queries Extraction of existing Metadata Educated guesses Regular domain specific Queries Automated Updates Regular checks of referenced Documents
Workflow Support Vertical Workload Distribution Domains of Expertise Responsibility for certain Stocks or Categories Horizontal Workload Distribution – e.g.: formal description Contentwise description translation
Technical Architecture Import/ Export Robot daemon Java application or applet XML Servlets Java Framework DB Servlet engine HTML Servlets Web browser Z39.50 client Z39.50 Server
DBClear architecture goals Multi tire architecture Open standards Platform independence Different means of client access
Flexible Presentation Layer By using XSLT to transform the output, the visual presentation can be adapted
Scenario 1 DBClear as a standalone portal
Scenario 2 Using external data sources
Scenario 3 Integration into other systems
DBClear technologies Relational database for data storage HTTP for data transfer Java framework Servlet engine XML-Dom XSL Transformations Visitor access at least by plain HTTP/HTML Administration via HTTP/HTML and java clients Alternate services (Z39.50 server)
GESIS Clearinghouse „Eastern Europe“ Ca. 1500 eastern European institutions „non eastern Europe“ and „non institutions“ are currently being catalogued Cooperative work with responsibilities aligned according to regional aspects Automatic checks for document reachability and modifications Inflexible monolithic Implementation Slides: URLs: Besucherzugang Besucherzugang Mitarbeiterzugang Mitarbeiterzugang Geo-Guide Geo-Guide DBC DBC
Extended Datamodel
XML-Definition <AttributeDescription LanguageDependant="false" reuse="false" id="0" label="link" DBTable="ATTR_LINK"> <Name xml:lang="en">link</Name> <Description xml:lang="en">url of the ressource described</Description> <Name xml:lang="de">Link</Name> <Description xml:lang="de">URL der beschriebenen Ressource</Description> <ComponentDescription Length="512" Type="VARCHAR" TableColumn="VALUE_1" id="1"> <MetaMapping domain="Z3950" field="1032"/> <!-- 1032 == docId --> </ComponentDescription> </AttributeDescription> <FacetteDescription label="izcls" id="1" LanguageDependant="true"> <!-- SocioGuide: ->KLASSIFIKATION --> <MetaMapping domain="Z3950" field="20" component="name"/> <!-- 20 == local classification --> <MetaMapping domain="Z3950" field="29" component="term"/> <!-- 29 == local subject index --> <Name xml:lang="en">Social Science Classification</Name> <Description xml:lang="en"> Classification of the Information Center Social Science, Bonn </Description> <Name xml:lang="de">Sozialwissenschaftliche Klassifikation</Name> <Description xml:lang="de"> Klassifiaktion des Informatinszentrums Sozialwissenschaften, Bonn </FacetteDescription>
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