Reading and Phonics in Year 2 How you can help your child learn
Aims To explain the role of phonics in reading and spelling To highlight the progression through phonics To give insight into phonics sessions and games to play To explain the book band system To introduce the Year 2 Reading curriculum To highlight ways you can help at home
Phonics sessions
Year 2 Reading Curriculum Word Reading Sufficient evidence shows the ability to... Apply phonic knowledge and skills consistently to decode quickly and accurately. Decode alternative sounds for graphemes. Read words containing common suffixes such as: -ment, -less, -ness, -ful and –ly. Read a wider range of common exception words which have been taught, including most words from the YR2 spelling appendix e.g. because, beautiful, everybody, should, whole, parents, money. Read most words without overtly segmenting and blending, once they are familiar. Read some phonically - decodable books with fluency, sound out unfamiliar words automatically
Year 2 Reading Curriculum Comprehension Sufficient evidence shows the ability to... Fully engage with reading and take pleasure from books and texts. Listen to, discuss and express views about a wide range of contemporary and classic poetry, some of which they can read independently. Listen to, discuss and express views about a wide range of stories at a level beyond that which they can read independently Takes account of what others say. Show understanding of texts read independently; self-correct. Know and retell a wide range of stories, fairy stories and traditional tales. Discuss the sequence of events in books, and how items of information are related. Make inferences on the basis of what is said and done; predict according to what has been read so far. Discuss and express views about a range of non-fiction texts which are structured in different ways. Discuss and clarify the meaning of new words; discuss favourite words and phrases. Recognise simple recurring literary language in stories and poetry. Recite a repertoire of poems learnt by heart, using appropriate intonation.
Guided Reading in Year 2 Children read in small groups to an adult once a week. They help select the text they will use and enjoy talking about things which go on. During the week there are opportunities for the children to respond to the text through questions and activities.
Book bands When children move onto turquoise level we are developing their comprehension skills. As they move through the levels they are encouraged to be more independent and select their own books. In KS2 our reading scheme is based on the child’s reading age. Therefore, each book is tailored to your child and is at an appropriate level. Reading for pleasure is encouraged alongside this to develop a love of reading.
How you can help at home Read Listen Talk about Read as much as possible; including reading to your child. Read Listen to them read Listen Talk about what they are reading – see the question sheet with ideas Talk about Oxford owl - Apps Hairy phonics Mr Thorne Spelling Book Phonics genius Farfaria Reading Rainbow Inference Ace