RETURN TO THE IMS PROGRAM Karen Hale, Columbia Cascade Dispatch Office, Assistant Center Manager Liaison with IMS from the Training Officer and Dispatch Communities. Little Bit of History: Reaching out to the IMS group Getting them talking with Dispatch and Training
IMS APPLICATION 2014 Application came out just before furlough Training Scheduled for March 31-April 4, 2014 Application Deadline was January 31, Selections were made on or around February 28. Have Commitment from the Steering Committee : 2015 Training will be on PNWTC website
NEW AD HIRING FOR IMS TRAINING Hired as IMST(t) AD-F for Training Week Accepted into program, attend training. After training IMS Steering Committee will: -Produce affidavit granting IMST to accepted individuals. -N9013 and RT9013 in IQCS and certificates. Will be hired as IMST AD-G for 2014 incidents. All paperwork must be completed at local Host Unit. Must comply with Host Unit Status procedures.
IMS AND EMTF PNWCG letter dated 11/6/2013 …AD and Supplemental Fire Dept. Resources…these individuals are not authorized to take courses for the purpose of adding additional IQCS qualifications to their red card….request a waiver deviating from this policy… Proposal made to IMS Steering Committee: -Identify all IMS (Ads and Supplemental fire Dept) that wish to have EMTF on their card. -Send a group request to PNWCG representative for waiver. Only those individuals identified on waiver, and having the proper IQCS documentation will be able to take the Arduous WCT.
R6 IMS DISPATCH PROCEDURES Procedures will be the same for IMS Teams are already in the system assigned to T1 and Oregon T2 IMTs. IMS will be ordered as a group and sent to the Managers Host Unit to process. Remember to prepare your Expandeds!
ADDITIONAL IMS -Request for the type (IMST, IMSA, IMSM) and number will be submitted. -Incident Host Unit will check local and/or neighbors for IMS (available in ROSS) first. -If no IMS available, order placed to NWCC. -NWCC will query ROSS for closest forces. Request will be sent to unit showing IMS available. -If no IMS available, order will be UTFd. -Once Incident Unit receives the UTF, -IMS Manager will make calls to individuals, for possible Name Request. A new request will be submitted.
INCIDENT HIRE OF EMTS Request should go through Expanded, but the actual hire should be through the Buying Team (BUYT). Northwest should not be hiring EMTs with the IMS program. Dont get the two confused.
INCIDENT HIRE OF EMTS CONTINUED FYI- Quote from Ben McGrane and FACT team: There is a template in development, however, we dont have that many so we prefer to go EERA via ITEAM to hire. Bottom-line: Incident requests EMTs, have your Buying Team hire through local Fire Departments
PROPOSAL IMS Steering Committee conduct an AAR at season end. Request each Dispatch Center to open a WILDCAD incident titled: IMS Dispatching Capture in the log any type of issue that comes up with the IMS teams, independent members, etc. Will request the reports at season end. Sort for similarities Bring to the attention of the IMS Steering Committee: Deficiencies, Issues From the IMS group will bring Issues to the CMAC.
IMS STEERING COMMITTEE AAR Issues: Task books AD Hiring Fireline EMTs Rental Vehicles
SUMMARY New Hires: IMST. Documentation should come from IMS Steering Group. Adding EMTF to card: Documentation should come from IMS Steering Group. IMS: Teams should be rostered. (IMST, IMSA, IMSM) Additional individuals will be ordered as individual overhead and should be statused as available. Practice closest forces.
SUMMARY CONTINUED EMTs: Should be hired through Buying Team on EERA, unless your local area already have in Iteam. AD Hiring: Do not hire EMTs as ADs. If qualified through IMS program, hire as IMST, IMSA, IMSM.