Building Your Core to Improve Your Posture
Ideal Posture For ideal posture, visualize an imaginary line that runs down the middle of your body. This imaginary line: Begins at the ear Runs through the shoulder Continues behind your hip joint Runs a little behind your knee And through the large bone in your ankle
Test Your Posture Stand against a wall with your shoulders and bottom touching the wall. Place your hand behind your lower back and see how far it can reach. If your fingers can reach the other side you have anterior pelvic tilt. If your fingertips stop at your spine you have good posture.
Anterior Pelvic Tilt Most office workers have Anterior Pelvic Tilt (APT). APT is caused by excessive sitting Sitting causes stronger, tighter muscles in the front of your body and weaker muscles in the back of your body.
Anterior Pelvic Tilt Corrections Practice good posture Shoulders back Pelvis tucked Walk (with good posture) Planks Glute Bridges
Stretches to help APT Stretch your hip flexors Quadriceps stretch Kneel with one leg slightly elevated and role your shoulders back to stretch your hip flexor. Quadriceps stretch Sitting down, tuck one leg under your chair and lean back. Repeat on each leg.
Additional Tips for Good Posture Change positions frequently Keep active Strive for at least 30 minutes of activity at least 3 times per week. When sitting, sit tall with a straight spine. Position your monitor at eye level or just below.