agenda IR Read and discuss “Kaffir Boy” (p. 123) – reference narrative elements Laptops: Revise synthesis essay using checklist Google Drive – share folder Get synthesis essay in folder Sign up for Book Talk presentation time
Reminders (2/5/18) Grab your IR Book! Today: Synthesis Draft Due – Need Thesis, CEI, CEI (completed, hard copy printed – part of your final essay grade) Need a copy of Much Ado About Nothing (the No Fear Shakespeare version) by the Monday we return from Winter Break! Need signed syllabus from the following people: Griffin, James B., Andrew C., Dioh, Jacob, Austin, Kye, Madysun, Matthew, Jordan, Cameron, Josh, Virginia
Independent reading
Kaffir Boy (p. 123) Background Reading Purpose: Apartheid Mark Mathabane Reading Purpose: Narrative Elements (same as the film – chart on page 127) Underline DIALOGUE Highlight STRONG VERBS (Dialogue tags)
Dialogue Kaffir Boy (p. 123) Dialogue: May be either direct or indirect. Indirect dialogue is a paraphrase of what is said by a character or narrator. This dialogue does not need quotation marks: When my mother began dropping hints that I would soon be going to school, I vowed never to go to school because it was a waste of time. DIRECT dialogue is the exact words spoken by a person. This dialogue uses quotation marks and dialogue tags/strong lead in verbs “This time next fall, you will be in school,” hinted my mother. “Why would I go to school? You’ll never see me wasting my time at school! I vowed. Dialogue Tags/Strong Lead In verbs
Synthesis Work Revision with checklist – make adjustments Sign up for Google Folder w/Spruill Sign up for Book Talk presentation Get synthesis essay in Google folder (directions from Spruill)