5 Senses! By Kaitlyn Ortega
TEKS Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (4) Health information. The student knows basic structures and functions of human body and how they relate to personal health. (A) Name the five senses; (4) Scientific Processes. The student uses age-appropriate tools and models to verify that organisms and objects and parts of organisms and objects can be observed described and measured. (A) Identify and use senses as tools of observation
Essential Question: Unit Question: 1. How do we use our five senses everyday? 5. 2. How can our fives senses help us make decisions about our actions? 3. 4.
Sight Sight is everything you can see with your eyes. Have you ever played “I-spy?” How far can you see?
Sound Sound is heard through your ears. Almost everything around us can makes sound. What can you hear?
Touch No matter where you are, or what you are doing, you are touching something. You can touch with your hands, feet, nose, and whole body. How many things are you touching right now?
Taste MmMmMmMmM! YUCK! Taste is through your mouth, when you eat or drink or have a piece of candy, you taste. What is your favorite thing to taste? What do you not like to taste?
Smell You smell through your nose. Smelling is very important! Take care of your nose. What foods smell good to you?
References http://images.google.com http://www.tea.state.tx.us/teks/grade/Kindergarten.pdf