Jake Noltensmeyer, Shuichi Kunori


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Presentation transcript:

Effects of the HGCal mechanical support structure to jets and single particle measurements in CMS Jake Noltensmeyer, Shuichi Kunori You can add your presentation notes here. This presentation template for research posters is fully editable so text, graphics and content can be updated to fit your own research needs. Download more poster presentation templates from FPPT.com Introduction Results Methods Our research focuses on optimizing the capabilities of the High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCal), which will replace the Endcap Calorimeter in CMS for the High Luminosity operation at the Large Hadron Collider, which begins in 2025 during the Long Shutdown 3 phase. We implemented a mechanical support structure of the HGCal for the first time in the CMS detector simulation software. Using this software, we studied the response of the HGCal to single particles and jets, and the effects of the support structure to the measurement of jet energy. These studies were performed by utilizing the Large Hadron Collider Physics Center at Fermilab, as well as the Pythia Monte Carlo simulations and the constantly updating CMS software. This analysis will allow us to continue to refine the support structure design in future studies. These studies were performed by utilizing the Large Hadron Collider Physics Center at Fermilab, as well as the Pythia Monte Carlo simulations and the constantly updating CMS software. In the original simulation, the base of HGCal was linear and had no support structure. Our goal was to create a simulated detector more accurate to the one that will actually be constructed. We took (R,Z) coordinates for every corner to implement the support structure, and incorporated the structure’s material, stainless steel, into an xml file for the geometry. In implementing the support structure, we got a more accurate model of events in the simulated detector. Fig. 3 The filled area below the sensors (black) is where we implemented the support structure. Fig.5 Events in the hadronic calorimeter of the simulated detector. It can be seen how the detected events match the geometry of the detector. Initial studies are promising, and based on our current model, the size of the support structure has little contribution to dead space in the detector. Going forward, the next step is to look at changing the size of the support, in order to find an ideal size that both physically supports the detector while decreasing its capabilities as little as possible. Fig. 1 The schematic for the HGCal, showing the Electromagnitic Calorimeter, Hadronic Calorimeter, and scintillating sections. This diagram shows the linear base lacking any support structure. Fig. 4 Each change in base geometry labeled and detector sections marked for comparison with original schematic Fig. 6 This shows the detector functionality with the default geometry compared to the addition of the support structure. There appears to be little change to its effectiveness, but more studies will need to be done to confirm this. Acknowledgements Shuichi Kunori Samuel Cano LHC Physics Center at Fermilab Fig. 2 A cross section of the CMS detector as a whole. The HGCal will replace he component marked HE.