Medication Training Module IV Kenton County Schools District Policies and Procedures
Although the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) has developed standardized medication training, each district has developed individual policies and procedures that guide their employees in the application of the training. The goal of the Kenton County School District (KCSD) is to reduce barriers so all students can attend school and participate at their greatest capacity.
The following information can be found in Kenton County School’s Medication Administration Procedures (09.2241 API) which is located in each school’s medication binder.
This brief review, in addition to information provided in the earlier medication training modules, will help you answer the questions on the Study Guide for Module IV.
Parents/ guardians and the student’s healthcare provider must complete and sign a KCSD Administration of Medication Permission Form for any medication administered at school. This includes over the counter and as needed (PRN) medications. It is optimal that medication be given at home if it is ordered one, two, or three times a day.
The Board of Education policy permits a responsible, trained student to carry and/or self administer medication for asthma (inhaler), severe allergic reaction (Epipen), seizure (Diastat)or diabetes (Glucagon)on his/her person for immediate use in a life threatening situation with written order of physician, parent request, school nurse and principal approvals.
All medications must be received in the original bottles or containers with labels affixed. The information on the bottle/container must match the information provided on the permission form. The label on the bottle/container is required to note the frequency of the medication but is not required to include the exact times that the medication is to be given. Terms such as “lunch” are acceptable on the permission form. Medication may be given within a 30 minute time frame before or after the time indicated on the doctor’s orders
All medications are to be stored in a locked, pre-assigned location.
If the medication requires refrigeration it must be stored in a separate refrigerator or in a locked container that can be stored with food in a supervised area.
Follow the 6 rights of medication administration discussed previously in the training and always check to make sure the medicine was actually taken.
After medication is administered, it must be documented on the medication log. Controlled medications will be counted upon receipt and the number recorded on the back of the medication log.
Document the time given in the box. Initial the box. Identify your initials with a signature at the bottom of the page. Use the codes provided to fill in boxes when applicable. This includes a code for medication that is refused.
Always use blue or black ink Always use blue or black ink. If an error is made strike through the error, write VOID and initial. NEVER use whiteout. Don’t forget to document all medications after the medicine is administered ---routine meds and emergency meds, whether at school or on a field trip.
If a medication error occurs Notify the school nurse immediately Fill out the Medication Administration Incident Report.
If a student has permission to carry a medication, required documentation of doses taken will be reviewed by the nurse, based on parent and health care provider request.
Any changes to the medication (dosage, time, etc Any changes to the medication (dosage, time, etc.) requires a new Medication Permission Form and updated prescription label.
Staff shall keep all personal medication in a secured space and in the original labeled bottle. At no time shall any employee administer their personal prescription or over the counter medication to a student.
Important Field Trip information: Medication is to go on the field trip in the original, labeled container. Only trained school personnel may administer the medication. If a parent is attending the field trip they may keep and administer medication to their own child. With the exception of emergency medicines that students have permission to carry, school personnel shall be responsible for keeping all medications with them. Document that the medication was given in the medication log upon return to school Keep medication needs in mind when dividing students into groups for a field trip.
Unused medications at the end of the year: Those medications that students have permission to carry may be sent home with the student; the ability of very young students to do this may be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Other medications that are not picked up by a parent are to be discarded in the following manner: Pills: mix with glue, let dry and throw in the trash Liquids: pour into cat litter and place in the trash when absorbed
Your school nurse is your best resource. Ask questions if you are unclear about any aspect of medication administration. Copies of the Medication Administration Manual and the District’s medication procedures are located in each First Aid Room. If you have any questions after using these resources, call the Coordinator of School Health Services at 344-8888.
Assisting a student with administering their medication can make a difference in their life, keep them healthy and in school participating at their greatest capacity. Thank you for all you do for our students.