Same Day Intervention and Intelligent Practice
Structure of lessons in Shanghai One 35 minute lesson per day Practice time outside the lesson Same day intervention for those children who have not grasped everything in the lesson
Intelligent practice During the session on the video clip most children are practising what they have learnt in the lesson. Notice how the questions on the practice sheet are varied and engage the children in reasoning.
Same day intervention While most children are engaged in independent practice a few children work with the teacher for same day intervention. These are the children that the teacher has identified as needing some additional support as they have not yet fully grasped aspects of concepts explored in the lesson. It is important that these children also have some independent practice time later in the day to embed learning so that they are ready for the next lesson.
Same day intervention Some of the schools involved in the England-China exchange are experimenting with different models for same day intervention: During practice time (as in the video) During assembly time During another lesson Outside lesson time It is important, wherever possible that the teacher provides the intervention.