Adaptation under the UNFCCC Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes Task Force on Water and Climate First Meeting, Bonn, 22-23 November 2007 Adaptation under the UNFCCC Annett Moehner Adaptation, Technology, Science Programme UNFCCC Secretariat
Content Overview on adaptation under the UNFCCC Scientific and technological aspects of adaptation Implementation aspects of adaptation Possible areas of cooperation on issues related to water and adaptation
Dimensions of adaptation under the UNFCCC Resources for implementation Scientific and technical knowledge Nairobi work programme, Research, Technology transfer, Systematic Observation Buenos Aires programme of work, National Adaptation Programmes of Action, Funding The different dimensions of adaptation and how they are organized under the UNFCCC and the KP are shown in this very general schematic graph. Broadly speaking, for adaptation three major dimensions are needed: Resources for implementation Knowledge /information or technical basis Capacity broadly – and this include human, institutional, legal etc. All three are equally important – only one cannot do the job. The three are not separated. Under UNFCCC process resources and related capacities are addressed by the work of the SBI, and some aspects of KP Technical basis/knowledge by the work of SBSTA, specifically under the comprehensive Nairobi work programme, which also addresses capacity Only talk about issues in bold Capacity Support for vulnerability & adaptation assessments Capacity-building, Education and Training
Current adaptation activities Two complementary tracks on adaptation Buenos Aires programme of work on adaptation seeks to support the implementation of concrete adaptation activities Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change seeks to assist countries in improve their understanding of climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation
Buenos Aires programme of work on adaptation - I Activities 3 regional workshops and an expert meeting for the small island developing States Objective Facilitate information exchange and integrated assessments to assist in identifying specific adaptation needs and concerns
Buenos Aires programme of work on adaptation - II Parties in Bali are expected to consider Action to enhance the integration of climate change issues into national and sectoral planning and policies, including through a bottom-up process Organization of a meeting on cooperation on adaptation to consider how the UNFCCC process can catalyse regional and interregional cooperation, as well as synergy with other relevant processes and organizations
Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation - I Methods & tools Economic diversifi-cation Data & observa-tion Assist all Parties, in particular developing countries, including LDCs and SIDS, to: Techno-logies for adaptation Modelling,scenarios, down-scaling - Improve their understanding of climate change impacts and vulnerability - Increase their ability to make informed decisions on how to adapt successfully Risks & extreme events Research Socio-economic informa-tion Adaptation planning & practices
Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation - II Workshops and reports on: Climate-related risks and extreme events Adaptation planning and practices Recommendations for water resources: Provision of guidance on how to assess availability and accessibility of water resources at the national and regional levels to identify trends and possible thresholds to enable adaptive water management Assessment of water sector case studies, highlighting successful integrated water resources management Improve the understanding of water competition
Possible areas of cooperation Sharing of methods and tools Compendium on methods and tools Training material for vulnerability and adaptation assessment of water resources Sharing of lessons learned and best practices Database on adaptation planning and practices, (focus: water resources and regional initiatives) Sharing of resources and expertise Pool of around 100 organizations involved in the Nairobi work programme, e.g. UNESCO IHE or CEDARE
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