Bio-economic projects in Region Zealand, Denmark By Dr. Rikke Lybæk, University of Roskilde, Denmark Presentation outline - Methodology - Problem area - Project examples Region Zealand: - Straw - Sludge, P - (Wood) - (Sugar beet) - Conclusions & IA implications
Methodology Research Question: - Which bio-economic projects can beneficially be implemented in Region Zealand, when looking at the available biomass resources and existing and reliable technical solutions? Our understanding of biomass to utilize: - Focus on biomass residues & existing crops in new ways of production, and for completely new products and services, etc. Available local biomass residues: - Within Region Zealand the following biomass resources are available; Straw, sludge, wood and sugar beet residues. (as opposed to crops being food & import of biomass). Deploy existing and reliable technology: - Start utilize existing and well-functioning biomass tech. adapted to the bio-economic context to commence a transition towards the use of renewable resources, then - Parallel research & demonstration in more advanced & costly bio-refinery technology with long realization timeframe, and unsure economic profit. Approaches in adapting bio-economic solutions: - Circular Economy, Cascading of materials & energy, Resource Efficiency. We do not focus on new biomass crops or crops with competitive usage as e.g. fodder
Problem area Bio-refinery Existing bio-economic projects (drop-in strategy): - Normally entails deployment of very advanced and costly bio-refineries with little success Scandinavia (Maabjerg Plant & Skåne Plant) = Downgraded to demo plants or closed down! - Refinery made building blocks (e.g. C5+C6 sugars, syngas, oil, fiber) are used in an existing fossil chain. - Building blocks used for: fuel, chemicals, fodder & high value products e.g. pharma-additives, aroma etc. - Process require costly enzymes & steam at high pressure and temperature etc. New bio-economic projects (new pathway): - We will identify new low-cost pathways with focus on a bio-based non-fossil fuel value chain, that - Utilizes the inherent & easily accessible qualities of biomass for new products, e.g. lignin in straw (strong). Refinery’s use e.g. costly enzymes & steam with high pressure and temp to split up the biomass in building bloks (different fractions) to make bio-products. Giv eksempel på dette??
Project examples Region Zealand Straw: Resource: - 300,000 tons of cereal straw residues are available in Region Zealand (of a total of 2,500,00 tons in DK). The project: - Straw-Processing-Station can provide different types of bio-energy, and low cost - Fractions of Natural Fiber Plastic Composite (NFPC) be mechanically processed (e.g. grinded). - The energy & NFPC substitute fossil fuels & new bio-products and services are produced, e.g. - NFPC-fences and teresse-flooring (stronger, lighter., harder products due to lignin in straw). - All RE energy services are based on well-proven biogas & combustion technologies. Bioplast is made by grinding biomass, and then mixing it with fossil fuel plast by extrusion. Then the mix can be used as plastic komposittes.
Sludge: Resources: - Sludge generated in Region Zealand account for 3,400,000 tons, hereof 680 tons P (a mineral). - Most of it lost to the aquatic's, or incinerated in waste incineration plants, or - Not accessible for plants in the soil when distributed as sludge on the farm land. - 80 % of the phosphor must now be re-cycled in DK before 2020 & Org. waste separated =biogas! - Today, re-use of P from sludge (117 t. P), animal manure (263 t. P) & artificial supply (240 t. P). The project: - Collect P from waste-water on waste-water treatment plants in the Region Zealand, by - A reactor with magnesium-salt that catches the P & nitrogen as struvite (60-90 t.), and will - Substitute 25-40 % P from artificial fertilizer (180-150 t.) requiring much fossil energy to produce, - Based on well-known technology & re-cycle a finite resource (P) & save fossil fuels. P not accessible in the soil mixed with sludge from WWTP’s, du to iron fosfat in the P
Conclusion & IA implications Utilize existing and available local biomass residues for different bio-economic projects. Look at already proven and reliable technology, and then parallel seek to develop more advanced bio-refinery tech. for the future separating biomass into building blocks. Existing ‘Drop-in strategy’ rely on expensive & un-mature high-tech. refineries, with little success in Denmark and Scandinavia. The ‘New pathway’ will avoid a fossil fuel value chain and make bio-based products and services, deploying mature & well-known technology. Can be implemented today based on existing & available biomass residues, and will Generate new job opportunities and income in rural areas in DK lacking development. We’ll see immediate environmental & economic impacts from such bio-economic projects.