Vulnerability to natural disasters
Manila, Philippines
Why is the country so vulnerable?
Fault lines in the Pacific The country is at the border of two tectonic plates. The seismic activity explains the earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
Path of typhoons in the Pacific The Philippines are in the path of typhoons that form in the Pacific. The warm water and the wind speeds near the equator create these typhoons.
Large population of Manila The metropolitan area of Manila has a population 22.7 million people. Many people living in the metropolitan area work in Manila. Manila is a major sea port in the Pacific.
Vulnerable infrastructures There is an estimated 4 million people who live in Manila’s shantytowns. Many families live near the Pasig River which is unclean and prone to flooding when there is heavy rain.
Forecasting and preventing natural disasters
Forecasting earthquakes A seismograph is used to record ground motion during an earthquake or a volcanic eruption.
Forecasting hurricanes (cyclones) Meteorologists can use satellite imagery and weather patterns to predict hurricane paths.
Preventing floods and storm surges. Areas prone to flooding often have dikes, or barriers used to hold back flood waters.
Preventing earthquake damage Some areas at-risk for earthquakes have built structures resistant to them. They are reinforced and have cross-bracing. Do you believe that these structures are found everywhere?