This is what we’ll by learning this half term… Year 6 Term: Autumn 1 Spoken Language: Give well-structured descriptions, explanations and narratives for different purposes, especially when expressing feelings. Writing: Cover a variety of writing styles including letters home to parents from the perspective of an evacuee, diaries, personification poems and descriptive writing of an air raid. Engage: Watch a clip of Goodnight Mr Tom, dress up as an evacuee and bring a shoebox with three of their most valued possessions. Children will work in groups and explain to others how they felt being given a label and being separated from their friends. Maths: Children will further develop place value, four operations, rounding and applying new skills in test-style questions. Computing: Research the topic of evacuation, explore and identify the path of Axis and Allies on a map of Europe during the war. Science: Identify main parts of the human circulatory system and recognise the impact of diet and exercise on the way bodies function. PE: Focus on agility, balance and co-ordination through ‘Real PE’ curriculum. History: Organise key events into chronological order. Compare and contrast Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler. Learn about evacuees, rationing and The Battle of Dunkirk. Geography: Look at the countries that make up the Axis and Allies and where they are located on a map of Europe. This is what we’ll by learning this half term… Art: Create persuasive propaganda posters, blitz art and Winston Churchill Pop-Art. D.T Create their own structurally sound Anderson Shelter based on the research they have undertaken in class. Innovate: Design and make their own Anderson Shelters. Create evacuee boxes with labels. Express: Parents will be invited to look at their child’s Design Technology Projects. PSHE: Discuss safe internet use and cyber-bullying. Understand the changes that occur to the body during puberty. Learn about relationships, sex and birth. Music: They will learn to play as an ensemble in the Gamelan Orchestra (a musical instrument from Indonesia).
Things to explore with your child… PE: Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday. As the winter months approach please include longer layers in PE kits so that your child can comfortably take part in all of the outdoor activities. Maths: Daily times tables practice is a fundamental part of your child’s mathematical development. These skills are used in all aspects of this subject. Other areas to work on include: telling the time and adding and subtracting 4 digit numbers mentally. Weekly Practice: Maths, English and Spelling home learning tasks will be handed out each week. Our English will focus on punctuation and grammar. Homework is handed out each Monday and due in every Friday. Reading: Reading is an important part of education and development. Reading a variety of text types with your child, including fiction and non-fiction, will support them with their spelling, writing and comprehensions skills. Remember to ask questions about what has been read to develop understanding of key characters and concepts. Dates: Forest School Trips (individual dates for each class) 1st, 8th, 15th October 2018 Parents Evening 17th and 18th October 2018 World War 2 Museum Exhibition Come and see what the children have made! 18th October 2018 Writing: When discussing topics with children, encourage them to answer using full sentences as this will encourage them to use the same in their written work. Revising spellings with your child will further support their word knowledge and introduce them to a new and higher level of vocabulary. Creative Zone: Create toys from the 1940s. Construct a model of something that represents World War 2. Draw a poster to encourage people to stay safe during the war.