Marine Strategy Framework Directive: Status of reporting European Commission DG Environment Marine Environment and Water Industry Unit MSCG 6-7 May 2013, Brussels
MSFD Scoreboard Status at 6 May 2013 Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Denmark Status at 6 May 2013 Art. 26 Art. 7 Art. 8/ 9/10 Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Art. 26 Art. 7 Art. 8/ 9/10 Latvia Lithuania Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovenia Spain Sweden UK
Transposition Update report
Competent authorities (status 30/04/2013) Member state Comment Date upload/sent Cyprus Reportnet 21/01/2013 Czech Republic - Finland Reportnet 20/02/2013 France By email 21/02/2013 Germany 15/02/2013 Greece 19/02/2013 Hungary By email & Reportnet 25/02/2013 Italy 14/03/2013 Latvia - Lithuania Error in heading of the original file, Reportnet 17/01/2013 Malta Netherlands 14/02/2013 Poland 18/02/2013 Portugal Romania Slovenia 24/01/2013 Spain 31/01/2013 On the 20 of December 2012 DG ENV sent request for clarifications regarding the information provided by the MS authorities on the designation of competent authorities for the implementation of the MSFD pursuant to article 7 therein to the relevant MS and with a deadline of six weeks from the receipt of the letter for their reply. The status of the reporting is the following: The additional information has not yet been evaluated by the Commission.
Art. 8 (initial assessment) Art. 9 (determination of GES) Art Art. 8 (initial assessment) Art. 9 (determination of GES) Art. 10 (targets) Reporting elements: Paper reports Electronic reports (reporting sheets) Priority fields (7 xml files) Non-priority fields (7 xml files updated) Geographic data (2 shapefiles)
Status of reporting on Art. 8, 9 and 10 – at 06/05/13 Member State 'Paper' reports Electronic reports Art. 8, 9, 10 Art. 8, 9, 10 (7 xml files) Spatial data (2 files) BE Belgium 16-Aug 14-Mar, 18, 23-Apr 23-Apr BG Bulgaria HR Croatia* CY Cyprus 25-Sep 18, 23, 24, 26-Mar, 26, 30-Apr DK Denmark 12-Oct 9, 11-Jan, 19-Feb, 17, 24, 29, 30-Apr 24-Apr EE Estonia 16-Nov 19-Dec FR France 26-Dec 15-Apr FI Finland 18-Dec 31-Jan, 1-Feb 5-Feb DE Germany 27-Jul 15-Oct EL Greece IE Ireland 9-Apr, 15-Apr 10-Apr IT Italy 14-Oct LV Latvia 11-Dec LT Lithuania 2-Nov 22-Feb 14-Mar MT Malta NL Netherlands 11-Oct 15-Nov PL Poland PT Portugal 22-Oct RO Romania SI Slovenia 25-Jan 25-Jan, 1-Mar, 26-Apr ES Spain 10, 11-Oct, 3-Dec 15-Oct, 6, 8-Nov, 25-Apr SE Sweden 15-Oct, 27-Nov, 19-Dec, 15-Apr UK United Kingdom 19-Oct, 20-Dec 1, 14-Nov, 19-Dec 14-Nov Report or information submitted Report or information only partially submitted (e.g. report for specific Article or specific marine region/ subregion missing) Total no. of MS reported 16 (+2 partial) 15 (+3 partial) 15 * Member State from 1/7/2013 Dates are for first reporting of report/file
Reporting - summary Paper reports - non reporting (partial) BG, IE, MT, PL (PT, UK) Electronic XML reports - non reporting (partial) BG, MT, PL, PT (BE, ES, UK) Electronic geographic reports – non reporting BG, FR, IT, MT, PL Locked files (paper, electronic) FR, RO All articles and (sub)regions (paper, electronic) DK, EE, FI, DE, EL, LV, LT, NL, RO, SI, SE