Cyberbullying Ms. Holmes
Define Cyberbullying “The use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.” "children may be reluctant to admit to being the victims of cyberbullying" An official website from the U.S. government on cyberbullying: ying/what-is-it/index.html
Cyberbullying facts sheet These are interesting facts regarding cyberbullying How many did you already know? What was most interesting?
Cyberbullying game This game follows on from the cyberbullying film Let's Fight It Together to personalize and reinforce learning from that film. This game allows you to log on to a computer and create your own character that goes into the same school where cyberbullying has taken place. You have the opportunity to experience a day at school with Joe, the main character, and make decisions about how to help him as he experiences cyberbullying. You are challenged to be a responsible digital citizen and find out more about keeping safe online.
Question and answer Do you see cyberbullying? Yes When do you see cyberbullying? On live Where is cyberbullying what network usually? Instagram Do you think it is a huge deal? Yes, because it could cause people to hurt themselves – has a horrible effect Yes I see cyberbullying often. I see cyber-bullying on live, that is when I see it frequently. When I am on Instagram. Cyber-bullying is a huge deal. This could cause people to hurt themselves. Cyber-bullying has a horrible effect on individuals.