Deep River Field, Arenac County: Top Porosity 44.00 44.01 44.02 44.03 44.04 44.05 44.06 44.07 44.08 -84.04 -84.02 -84.00 -83.98 -83.96 -83.94 Deep River Field, Arenac County: Top Porosity Top Dundee (lins), and Deep River Field Wells 3 2 - 1 - 2 3 5 2 - 1 5 4 2 - 5 3 2 - 1 9 7 5 3 - 5 1 2 65 492 185 50 227 203 1800 2000 5400 3760 1200 3600 220 2400 4800 198 1804 1920 150 1150 800 6000 2112 108 8400 104 7200 3072 960 86 125 2856 2800 1000 400 3600 275 1320 3500 480 150 300 20 30 3792 100 4320 4800 4800 300 600 120 6000 100 2160 3600 4800 50 114 30 7880 2304 3840 120 100 44 300 3200 300 825 400 4200 7800 1200 1200 50 300 75 2400 3216 6840 325 10 500 700 240 15 15 3840 7200 1224 1200 4560 5640 140 3120 1680 1440 8 10 8160 2400 2728 6000 6000 840 2400 2400 12 1080 30 1500
Deep River Field, Arenac County: Top Porosity Top Dundee (lins), and Deep River Field Wells 3 2 - 1 2 - 1 9 7 5 3 65 492 185 50 227 203 1800 2000 5400 3760 1200 3600 220 2400 4800 198 1804 1920 150 1150 800 6000 2112 108 8400 104 7200 3072 960 86 125 2856 2800 480 1000 400 3600 275 1320 3792 3500 150 300 20 30 100 4320 4800 4800 300 600 120 6000 100 2160 3600 4800 50 114 30 7880 2304 3840 120 100 44 300 3200 300 825 400 4200 7800 1200 1200 50 300 75 2400 3216 6840 325 10 500 700 240 3840 7200 4560 1224 5640 15 15 1200 140 3120 8 10 8160 1680 1440 6000 6000 840 2400 2400 2728 2400 1080 30 1500 12
TOP POROSITY CONTOUR MAP DEEP RIVER FIELD ARENAC COUNTY, MI. 44.00 44.01 44.02 44.03 44.04 44.05 44.06 44.07 44.08 -84.04 -84.02 -84.00 -83.98 -83.96 -83.94 4 2 - 5 3 1 65 492 185 50 227 203 1800 2000 5400 3760 1200 3600 220 2400 4800 198 1804 1920 150 1150 800 6000 2112 108 8400 104 7200 3072 960 86 125 2856 2800 3200 3216 325 6840 120 100 7800 4200 2304 3840 275 3792 2160 7880 400 1000 1320 4320 3500 480 75 300 700 500 30 825 44 114 600 20 10 15 8 12 240 4560 140 840 1224 5640 8160 3120 1680 1440 2728 1080 1500 CONTOUR MAP TOP POROSITY DEEP RIVER FIELD ARENAC COUNTY, MI. The operational definition of “Top Porosity” is the first encounter of dolomite by the drill bit. This parameter is recorded in records (scout tickets and driller’s reports) for several of the carbonate units in the Michigan Basin, including the Dundee and Trenton Formations. The discovery well at Deep River Field was the Basin Oil Company & Don Rayburn #1 drilled in 1943 as an extension to the previously discovered Brea gas field Top Dundee (lines), and Deep River Field Wells