Moyer Elementary Classroom Information 2018-2019 Linda Hockney 2nd Grade
Meet Mrs. Hockney! About Me! My Favorites My Education Hello, and welcome to 2nd grade! My name is Linda Hockney. I live in Ft. Thomas with my husband, Dan, and daughter Ava (16). Our other daughter Maria (20)is a student at EKU. My Favorites My Education Food: Mexican Color: Blue Season: Spring Fast Food: Skyline Team: HHS Volleyball Subject: Reading Dessert: Cheesecake Candy: Dots Restaurant: Rio Grande BA Education EKU Master’s Degree Early Childhood Education University of Cincinnati I am so blessed to spend my time with your children! Thank you for sharing them with me this year! I have 29 years experience.
Our Day: Morning Message Math Reading Workshop Everyday Math Reading Workshop Language Spelling/Word Work Vocabulary Reading (Fluency, comprehension) Writing Lunch/Recess 11:30-12:00 Silent Reading Specials 12:15-1:05 Story Time Social Studies / Science Tech Time Reading Math create
Special Classes 12:15-1:05 Monday –World Language (Spanish) Tuesday – P.E. Wednesday – Library Thursday – Music Friday – Art
Students earn fun coupons to redeem in class and the class earns ClassDojo connects teachers with students and parents to build amazing classroom communities Students earn points for all of the good things they do during the day! (They can also lose them for making poor choices or not following our student-created classroom expectations.) Parents and students can see daily points as well as classroom photos and videos from their day! Students earn fun coupons to redeem in class and the class earns special days.
Snack We eat lunch at 11:30. Students may bring fruits, veggies, or gummy fruit snacks. K-5 are nut free classrooms!
iPads iPads are an educational tool, not a toy. We do not use them all day long! We use them daily for apps and websites to enrich our learning. We do not have a computer lab, so all digital work happens on our iPads. Please charge them every night and send them to school charged at 100%.
Spelling Homework: Mon. –Write words in planner Tues. – 10 sentences Wed. – ABC order Thurs. – practice test Spelling consists of 15 words Words match up to phonics patterns in reading
2nd Grade Reading 3rd Grade and beyond: “Reading to Learn” 2nd Grade: “Learning to read” The best readers are readers who have read more. It’s not magic, it’s persistence and practice. Read, read, read!
Homework Homework will go home on Mondays. Students write work for the week in planners. Typically there is one page of Math for the week, nightly spelling and nightly reading. If homework isn’t completed on time, I keep their iPad in “timeout” until their work is completed at school the next day. For additional minutes of reading each night, your child will get bonus Dojo points!
Report Cards E – Exceeding Standard M– Meeting Standard Performing well above what is typically expected of a 2nd grader; understands the standard above the current grade level. M– Meeting Standard Student has completely mastered the skill, works independently. DV- Developing Standard Student is working to gain mastery of the standard; completes work first with support and guidance from teacher, then independently. AC – Area of Concern Student is having trouble with the concept even after reteaching and additional practice at school. NE– Not Evaluated We haven’t worked on this skill yet, but we will work on it at a later in the year. Parent Teacher conferences are in November (or sooner if there is a need!) Grades may fluctuate throughout the year on any given skill, this is normal!
Attendance All absences require a note for the office the day your child returns to school. Make every effort to get your child to school on time! Every minute is important! Work cannot be given out in advance of “vacation” days. This is school policy.
Dismissal Dismissal catergories: Bike riders Walkers: Students walk home or walk to meet their ride. Car line: Students wait for their ride in the one-way car loop (enter on James and continue up Moyer driveway). If there is dismissal change, e-mail me or call the office.
I look forward to working with all of you this year I look forward to working with all of you this year! I believe in open and honest communication. Please contact me with questions or concerns.