Supplemental Instruction (SI) SPRING 2019 Need Help? We’ve Got Your Back. CHEMISTRY Supplemental Instruction (SI) SPRING 2019 Supplemental Instruction (SI) is free extra help available to you in a group session with a peer who has been successful in the course and understands the material. You are encouraged to ask questions and learn from your mistakes. THIS IS NOT A LECTURE. Course Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Chem 103 11:00-11:50 am SI Leader: Alicia Location: ED 1101 Chem 105 4:00-4: 50 pm SI Leader: Tyraia Location: ED2 1109 1:00-1:50 pm Location: Const 1009 4:00-4:50 Location: BAL 2057 SI Leader: Bria Location: Const 2065 Chem 107 4:00-4:50 pm SI Leader: Kyla Location: KAUF 215 Location: OCNPS 100 Chem 211 SI Leader: Camille Location: Const 1037 Chem 213 11:00 am-11:50 am SI Leader: Trey Location: OCNPS 204 SI Leader: Connor Location: BAL 2068 1:00 pm-1:50 pm Location: Const 1043 2:00-2:50 pm @odumsrc For more information, Visit: