Reception News – October 2018


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Presentation transcript:

Reception News – October 2018 Our topic this half term is Parties How you could help at home: Talk about any parties that you have been to Talk about how you and your family celebrate different events e.g. birthdays, bonfire night, Christmas, Christenings, Weddings, Diwali etc. Dates for your diary Monday 22nd October & Wednesday 24th October – Parents Evenings Monday 29th October- Friday 2nd November- Half Term Thursday 15th November- Butterflies Assembly Friday 16th November- Children in Need Thursday 22nd November – Ladybirds Assembly Friday 23rd November – Teacher Training Day Parents are welcome to attend their classes assembly. They start at 9.05am in the school hall. Learning We are really impressed with how much your children have learnt since they started school. Owen, Ted, Lev, Freddie- Ray & Olly have impressed us with their fantastic physical skills outside. Kendall, Cecily, Junior and Zac have been trying really hard in phonics. Communication We have noticed a lot of children using gestures rather than talking about what they need or want. We are encouraging children to use their words, use other peoples names to get their attention before speaking to them, to look at the person they are talking to, and to listen to what a person says to them before making a verbal response. With this letter you will receive a book of ideas to support communication with your child.

This half term we have been sharing books by the author Jill Murphy This half term we have been sharing books by the author Jill Murphy. Next half term we will be focusing on Mick Inkpen. A huge thank you to everyone who is able to join us for our family phonics. The children have been enjoying teaching you the letter sounds. Hopefully you are benefitting from these sessions too and have some ideas of different games and activities to support your child at home. All are welcome Friday first thing until 9.20a.m Reading Books Well done to all of those children who have been reading at home. Your child's reading journal is the only way of us knowing what reading your child is doing at home so please don’t forget to fill this in too. Remember to change your child's reading book regularly. Please ask any member of staff if you are unsure where these are kept. We will collect reading journals in once a week so please make sure these are in school each day. Outdoors Some children still do not have a pair of wellies in school. As the weather changes we ask if you can provide a pair of named wellies for your child as we use the outdoor area in all weather and this will protect their school shoes. Please could you send in a pair by Monday 5th November. Have an enjoyable and restful half term. Remember we start back on Monday 5th November. Diwali On the week beginning 5th November, we will be having a whole day learning about the celebration of Diwali. If you celebrate Diwali in any way and have any artefacts, photographs or anything else which you would be happy for us to show the children then please could you send these into school during this week. Thank you.