Faculty Focus December/January, 2019 This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
Snow day Mr. Loughridge verified in our principal’s meeting this week that we are allowed up to 3 missed days for weather before we are required to make-up days. This means—as of right now—we have all of our winter break!
MARK YOUR CALENDAR: February 12—5:30—State of the System Address @ Spring Place Elem. Feb. 18 – 22—WINTER BREAK! Feb. 27—Prof. Development during planning periods—Collab Lab (This is a mandatory training. We will offer a session at 3:20 for those who are unable to attend during planning.) March 1—Leadership Team meeting—5th period March 5—Title I Inventory checks This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
FOCUS AREA: Faculty Attendance Certified Absences—sick and personal only Goal: < 400
Focus Area: Improving Literacy The training on February 27th will provide you with two new literacy strategies that you can begin implementing immediately into instruction. Quick, simple, easy—YAY! We will also utilize these strategies periodically during Literacy Intervention. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC
Focus area: increasing rigor Individualized instruction is a MUST when focusing on appropriate rigor for students. All students do not perform at the same level so the same level and/or strategy for reteaching can not be the same. A differentiated lesson where the strategy is the same EVERY week for each level of student is not differentiation or individualized instruction. The differentiation plan should CHANGE EVERY WEEK based on how students perform on the assessment you are using to plan. When you look at your formative assessments, be sure you are planning activities for the INDIVIDUAL student needs. The activity should be challenging based on the student’s INDIVIDUAL level of understanding and mastery instead of a “generic” plan week after week. Struggling to figure this out? See Mrs. Ford for some quick ideas and strategies. We have a number of teachers in the building who are excellent at individualizing instruction, so we can even get you in a room to observe this “IN ACTION” if you need it.
Discipline—Student Referrals Goal: < 300
Discipline Response ISS—74 OSS—7 Bus Suspension—3 Tribunals—5