Don’t climb fences or have a surgeon for a brother
Setting 29yo M Fall Arrived at 4:42am waiting room Department ramping through night Multiple doctors on sick leave No Green Registrar in morning shift Seen at 8:18am through ambulatory care
ED Assessment HISTORY EXAMINATION Slipped climbing a fence at 18:00 Landing on top of fence striking his left ribs Pleuritic L sided pain Couldn’t sleep with the pain EXAMINATION Reproducible pain HR 65, Sats 100% Abdo soft, non-tender Chest clear
ED Assessment Impression Plan Musculoskeletal pain NSAIDS Home Represent if worsening pain/SOB
Thoughts? What about if……. Had some diaphoresis at home Bilateral shoulder pain Brother of a Surgeon at Gold Coast Hospital
Thoughts? Representation Category 4 waiting room Noted at handover Brought into Resuscitation room
CT abdo
Grade 2 splenic laceration Large haemoperitoneum No arterial extravasation of contrast Admitted to trauma HDU Successfully treated conservatively
Issues Impacting Multiple factors at play! Triage Supervision Bed block Night shift and the waiting room