Fisheries Management in the US Caribbean Graciela García-Moliner Livia M Montalvo Caribbean Fishery Management Council
Timeline Summary of Regulations CFMC Fishery Management Plans (FMP) (color boxes) All regulations (PR and USVI state regulations and federal regulations included) Following slides are presented by FMP Refer to SEDAR SP3-08 document for years of implementation and complete summary
QC 1992 STT closed; 1994 size and season; EEZ 1997 size and season, 1997 PR season; 2004 PR size and season; 2005 closed EEZ (STX); STX regs.
Goliath closures Nassau no harvest (1990/2004/2006) QC CLOSED EEZ 2005, 6 MONTH CLOSURE ST CROIX 2007
1936 Puerto Rico Fishing Law Commercial fish data collection Biostatistical data collection PR USVI biostatistical data Yellowtail
1998 PR Fishing Law 2001 USVI Commercial License moratoria
A REA CLOSURES EEZ/PR/STX, EEZ/PR, USVI SEASONS Area closures EEZ/PR/STX EEZ/PR USVI seasons TRAP REGULATIONS QC 1992 STT closed; 1994 size and season; EEZ 1997 size and season, 1997 PR season; 2004 PR size and season; 2005 closed EEZ (STX); STX regs. SL 3.5 USVI, PR Nassau no harvest (1990/2004/2006) Goliath closures 1936 PR Fishing Law Commercial fish data collection USVI biostatistical data Biostatistical data collection PR Yellowtail PR Fishing Law 2001 USVI Commercial License morator ia QC CLOSED EEZ 2005, 6 MONTH CLOSURE ST CROIX 2007
A REA CLOSURES EEZ/PR/STX, EEZ/PR, USVI SEASONS Area closures EEZ/PR/STX EEZ/PR USVI seasons TRAP REGULATIONS QC 1992 STT closed; 1994 size and season; EEZ 1997 size and season, 1997 PR season; 2004 PR size and season; 2005 closed EEZ (STX); STX regs. SL 3.5 USVI, PR Nassau no harvest (1990/2004/2006) Goliath closures 1936 PR Fishing Law Commercial fish data collection USVI biostatistical data Biostatistical data collection PR Yellowtail PR Fishing Law 2001 USVI Commercial License morator ia QC CLOSED EEZ 2005, 6 MONTH CLOSURE ST CROIX 2007
Commercial fish data collection in PR 1936 PR Fishing Law Biostatistical data collection PR 1998 PR Fishing Law PR Fishing Regulations and amendments
Commercial fish data collection - USVI USVI biostatistical data Commercial License moratoria 2006 Regulations as per SFA
The minimum carapace length should be 3.5 inches. Lobsters must remain whole for landing at shoreside. Egg-bearing ("berried") female lobsters may not be retained aboard the vessel. Berried female lobsters may be kept in pots or traps until the eggs are shed. Buoy, boat and trap identification and marking according to regulations are required. Lobsters must remain whole while transported to shore Gear Restrictions: Traps and pots must have a self destruct panel and/or door fastenings Require owner id. and markings Prohibit use of poison, drugs chemicals for taking lobsters Prohibit the use of spears, hooks, explosives or similar devises for taking lobsters Illegal to pull other persons traps without owners permission SPINY LOBSTER REGULATIONS IN THE US CARIBBEAN Prohibit any person from importing spiny lobster less than 5 ounces tail weight. If imported into Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands, prohibit importing spiny lobster less than 6.0 ounces tail weight. The importation of lobster tail meat without the exoskeleton attached, or of berried or stripped lobsters, is prohibited.
PUERTO RICO No-egg bearing TT/STJ/STX 3.5" carapace length, no- egg bearing, landed whole Tail 5.5" PUERTO RICO 3.5" carapace length, landed whole, no- egg bearing Puerto Rico and USVI Regulations 1982 – Traps, require id. and ? Mesh size Prohibit any person from importing spiny lobster less than 5 ounces tail weight. If imported into Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands, prohibit importing spiny lobster less than 6.0 ounces tail weight. The importation of lobster tail meat without the exoskeleton attached, or of berried or stripped lobsters, is prohibited Gear Restrictions: Traps and pots must have a self destruct panel and/or door fastenings Require owner id. and markings Prohibit use of poison, drugs chemicals for taking lobsters Prohibit the use of spears, hooks, explosives or similar devises for taking lobsters Illegal to pull other persons traps without owners permission The minimum carapace length should be 3.5 inches. Lobsters must remain whole for landing at shoreside. Egg-bearing ("berried") female lobsters may not be retained aboard the vessel. Berried female lobsters may be kept in pots or traps until the eggs are shed. Buoy, boat and trap identification and marking according to regulations are required. Lobsters must remain whole while transported to shore. SPINY LOBSTER REGULATIONS IN THE US CARIBBEAN