Membership : 蘇祐頤 You-Yi Su 鄭恩穎 Joanne Cheng 邱莉軒 Lisa Chiu DESSERTS Membership : 蘇祐頤 You-Yi Su 鄭恩穎 Joanne Cheng 邱莉軒 Lisa Chiu
CATALOGUE Donut- - - - - - - - - - - - - p03. Caramel apple- - - - - - - - - p08. Apricot pie- - - - - - - - - - p13. Strawberry snack- - - - - - - -p14. Tiramisu- - - - - - - - - - - -p15. Creme brulee- - - - - - - - - -P16.
DONUT There are donuts. A lot of people like it. We like it ,too.
DONUT “MISTER DONUT” is the famous donut monopoly store in Taiwan.
DONUT Also has the meal.
These are signboard in the “MISTER DONUT”.
DONUT There are many kind of tastes.
蘇祐頤 You-Yi Su 鄭恩穎 Joanne Cheng Caramel apple 蘇祐頤 You-Yi Su 鄭恩穎 Joanne Cheng
Caramel apple This is one kind of sour and sweet desserts.
Caramel apple Wrap up the apples with the chocolates.
Caramel apple It looks very delicious.
Apricot Pie The apricot pie look like toast, it is delicious .
Strawberry Snack There are many strawberries and condensed milk, and there is a bread under the strawberries and condensed milk.
T i r a m i s u The Tiramisu in Italy means take me away.
The creme brulee look like caramel puding.
The End -///-*
~Thanks for your looking~