New Flora of Sussex Current status Nov 2013
Firstly, Thanks Go To: The Flora Working group would like to thank: Rosalind, Dawn, Jacqueline, Frances, Mike, Arthur and Matthew. All the people who have submitted records in 2013. These valuable contributions to the field-work, and desk top work, are vital to the progress of the new Flora.
Where are we now? Progress in 2013 In March we asked you to concentrate on missing SPA and RPR species, and also to work on under-recorded habitats. (e.g. wetlands) Reduce the emphasis on numbers of species, and aiming to improve the quality of the data for each tetrad.
What did we achieve? For the record, we now have in excess of 406,000 records. This is an increase of 8,700 records across the County. This figure is a splendid effort and shows that the targeted recording is bringing results. So the quality of the data accumulated continues to improve.
Tetrad Map 2012
Tetrad Map 2013
Now what? Please ensure all electronic records are sent to PAH by 04-11-2013 Please ensure all paper records/recording cards are sent to AGH by 04-11-2013 Please can all ‘Hectad Adopters’ send their annotated ‘search requirements’ document in 2013, updating the progress (positive and negative) of the targeted searches within their tetrads. (Annotations in green please) to PAH by 01-12-2012. [Snail mail or e-mail]
Recording in 2014 Briefly: We will be continuing to record in 2014 It will be targeted, specific recording, and focusing on what is missing or has been overlooked. We will be working through the winter to establish the areas, species and habitats that need to be addressed in 2014.
Recording in 2014 We aim to inform you of the Hectad/Tetrads where specific work is required, by 01-01-2014. Work still to do in SU70, 71 & 72 TQ10, 11, 12, 21, 23, 31, 33, 43, 60, 61, 62 & 63 More at the AGM in March.
Thanks again for all you have done. Any questions?