Sample CSA Boxes Sample CSA Boxes
Sample CSA Shares Our Season is based on 20 deliveries, with the first delivery in late June. exact dates will depend upon Spring weather. We will offer three share sizes this Season: Family share: averages $31/week Small share: averages $25/week Petite share (new for 2012!): averages $19/week
Sample CSA Shares CSA SHARE OPTIONS: Full Season Share: 18 weeks, late-June through late October regular: $522 small: $396 Height of the Season share: 8 weeks, early August through September regular: $304 small: $224 Extended Fall Share: 4 weeks, late October through mid November regular: $110 Late JuneMid AugustEary September 1 bu carrots 2 heads lettuce 1 bu beets or chard dill, cilantro, or parsley 1 bu green onions1 sweet onion 1 kohlrabi1 garlic1 red onion 1 head garlic2 lbs potatoes1 green zucchini 1 bunch garlic scapes1 zucchini1 Italian zucchini 1 lb shell peas1 crookneck 1/2 lb snow peas1 lb green beans1 garlic 1 bu radishes1 pint Sungold tomatoes4 ears corn 1/2 lb broccoli3/4 lbs broccoli4 tomatoes 2 pints strawberries1 slicing cucumber1 lb green beans 1 oz basil1 cabbage 1 bu kale 1 eggplant CSA SHARE DESCRIPTIONS: FULL SEASON SHARE: We offer two share sizes. Our Regular share is intended to feed a small family (2-4 people, depending on your eating habits). SEE SAMPLE BOXES BELOW. Our Small share is ideal for individuals or couples. Delivery starts in late June and continues weekly through October, for a total of 18 weeks. Because you pay up front and essentially buy in bulk, you will enjoy a considerable discount when compared to buying our produce from the Olympia Farmers Market. HEIGHT OF THE SEASON SHARE: This share is great for folks who just want to try a CSA for a little while and not have to commit to a whole season. Vacationing in early summer? Money a little tight? Not sure you want to get a share all season long? This share is for you! Delivery starts in mid-August and continues for 8 weeks. EXTENDED FALL SHARE: Four additional deliveries starting in late October when the main season ends. The start date will be announced once the main season has begun. Enjoy a wide diversity of hearty winter crops like carrots, winter squash, leeks, kale, parsnips, and more. Since these crops store so well, we only offer the regular size. We only offer weekend delivery of the fall share. You can pick it up at the farm or at the Olympia Farmers Market.
Sample CSA Newsletter